giuspen / cherrytree

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Search is not easy and no copy button? #2506

Open slrslr opened 1 month ago

slrslr commented 1 month ago


What i i expect:

i would expect to have a tray icon by default (i suspect i had to enable it in a Misc. settings). Then i would expect a search field where i can type and it will instantly filter out matching nodes and using single mouse click i can copy the node content and it would optionally minimize the CherryTree for pasting into other app.

It is not present (in CT 0.99.30 on Debian 11 oldstable):


So this app does not seem to be enough usable for the purpose of quickly finding node containing defined text and copy it into another app. Can you please improve something?

gitvectors commented 1 month ago

I can search through hundreds of archived CherryTree (*.ctd) documents in my Ubunti desktop and find all containing keyword and open them. It is not clear if you want to copy the searched keyword or the entire node content containing the keyword. Just think of "toolchains". In my case CherryTree plus Recoll. But it sounds like you want to access snippets. There are a number of co-tools / packages which offer that. Sublime Text for one, or VS Code. And Albert is good. For all these I use a CherryTree document as a "desktop node" connecting to other tools. There is no need to add new features to CherryTree.

P.S. You can also introduce snippets into CodeBoxes. And on Run CodeBox , the (e.g. Python generated) Snippet is loaded into ClipBoard for example. Or posted somewhere. This feature is often overlooked.

slrslr commented 1 month ago


if you want to copy the searched keyword or the entire node content

I have written "copying content of the node" so i think it was clear what i wanted to copy (node).


Thank you for your app suggestions. Albert does not seem to do what i have described in my first paragraph. I am really a layman who does not understand "desktop node" connecting to other tools ... CodeBoxes but you do not need to explain it may be a bit OT. Thank you.

gitvectors commented 1 month ago

I was readng your conclusion - "quickly finding node containing defined text and copy". But never mind.

Firstly, this test exercise helped me to unearth an elusive node. Thanks.

Now .. it is true that Search > Find in Multiple Nodes does not provide a direct means of copying full content of any node containg Search > Find term.

You can click on the highlighted node in list to bring node into focus.

Then Right Click > Select All (highlight node content).

Then Ctrl+C to copy [highlighted node content] to Clipboard.

Then pass Clipboard content to whatever external app(s) in mind.

But this is a clumsy workflow which is why I try to automate steps.

Now there is a simple tool which might help. SearchMonkey (in Ubuntu repo).

We can use an expression to search all files with extension ctd.

It is quicker if you narrow down the folders to be specific rather than entire desktop. I sense that you are using just one or a few CT documents rather than many as I have,

lbpth commented 1 month ago

Agree. Beside that, the search function in CTree is not good enough at performance if comparing with fuking Electron apps like Ntion/Cap*cities though those apps are not good at performance/ response overall.

I also hope dev team can improve this function because we are using app for note-taking. It means we create data everyday and the CTB/CTD file size will increase day by day. The more data, the slower search function is.

gitvectors commented 1 month ago

Unless you breakup your large CTD documents into multiple CTD documents. Then use Recoll indexer as I suggested.

giuspen commented 3 weeks ago

The speed of search is much better now than it was in v0.99.30, you should upgrade as I pointed out in the other ticket. Also in v0.99.30 it was not possible to select/copy the text while the search result dialog is still open, now that is possible.