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[Feature] CamelCase (aka. Automatic link to node) backlinks #252

Open kettenfett opened 7 years ago

kettenfett commented 7 years ago

As we see with Issues like these recent ones #251 #249 Cherrytree needs more cross-referencing functionalities in various ways.

There is already such a system in place (kind of), which is rather unknown, the CamelCase system (or Automatic link to node). Whenever the user writes a CamelCase (two capitalized words without a space in between) or [[xyz]] it is converted to a link BUT ONLY if there is a node somewhere in the Nodetree, that also has this name.

But the problem with that is, it's only half of what it should be. There is no way for me to go from the node to all the places that link to it.

This is why I want to suggest the following: CherryTree should automatically generate a list of 'backlinks' at the top of any node that is referenced via CamelCase somewhere in the document. This way, the user has a convenient way to browse these places.

If an entire new tag system is implemented, then this obviously becomes redundant, though.

chappy721 commented 6 years ago

I find this a very important function. I use links very often, so it would be great if I could at least see if backlinks exist. The way ZIM-Wiki does is quite nice I think.

Thanks Daniel

athomic1 commented 6 years ago

I'll have to look into this camelCase system. I've been using "hashtags" to gain some sort of linkage into (and out of) syntax highlighted nodes. I think actual programmatic support for making links of them would be good, too, but that's just a suggestion.

sanousy commented 6 years ago

it is a very great feature, I really wish if it can include special characters ;)

omega3 commented 3 years ago

A big plus for backlinks idea.

Here is how great backlinks are implemented in Obsidian Obsidian - The Power of Backlinks and the Knowledge Graph - Effective Remote Work

But backlinks are becoming more and more popular. A lot of Roam Research alternatives have backlinks

They are great, but I don't like very much these markdown - preview twin pane solutions, so I wish CherryTree could have it.

Also Notion introduced backlinks. Looks like this is the future of note taking applications.

arvindsridharan commented 3 years ago

@giuspen First. Thanks a lot for this wonderful application: Cherry Tree. It would be great if you can also include back link feature where in when user types any text in CameCase a new node is automatically created by clicking on the back-link text. This will be a really good feature to have in my opinion. Zim Desktop Wiki has this functionality. Thanks.

omega3 commented 3 years ago

Just another idea to enhance backlinks - Obsidian has links to blocks

A "block" can be a paragraph, a blockquote, a list item, etc. In general, anything that has empty lines before and after is a block.

This could be really useful.

What I want to achieve: let’s imagine you study a complex subject like medicine, geography or foreign language. You keep a note where you have a long list of definitions (like 300 which makes this note very long) and when you make another note you want to refer not only to a note / cherrytree node that contains all these definitions but to a specific definition.

monoprix commented 2 years ago

Hiya, just wanted to +1 backlinks. They considerably enhance the utility of notes

dwhire commented 2 years ago

I find that if I have a node that has by unique (e.g. camel case) name, I can find all the places that it is referenced simply by doing a search of all nodes.