giuspen / cherrytree

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Introduce CT-Doc/Node breadcrumb trail as in Chrome Browser History #2531

Open gitvectors opened 3 months ago

gitvectors commented 3 months ago

There is a requirement to navigate back through previously opened multiple CT docs .. and importantly nodes .. similar to browser history .. but doc/node history

I realise now the feature I had in back of mind and attempted to raise in another issue. Related request.

We are missing a feature similar to File > Recent Documents

The added feature is .. File > CT Doc/Node history

Similar to Chrome browser history we should have a breadcrumb trail of doc/nodes opened in historical sequence. The path should include the full absolute path to the node so that command line operations can be used in CodeBoxes to navigate to different nodes either in current sessions or historical sessions by separate script refrring to config.cfg

Remember that we are discussing a multi CT environment (.ctd) case rather than all nodes held in a single large CherryTree SQL instance. Perhaps there is a separate history case for SQL users. This issue discusses only multi .ctd.

Thus the history log should show

absolute path to CT document / path to node.

Perhaps a section in config.cfg holding absolute paths to history of document/node.

doc_node_00 doc_node_01 doc_node_02 doc_node_03 doc_node_04 doc_node_05 ...

The doc/node history depth should be configurable.

gitvectors commented 3 months ago

As is often the case when considering dreamed up "features" there is usually a workaround if CherryTree is "paired" with another tool. In my case on Ubuntu 22.04 I am pairing with Krusader so that I can leverage the Bookmarks Manager and Useractions built into Krusader to analyse a corpus of *.ctd files .. there are many. Issue closed.