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CT freezes/crashes when I try to open Preferences (Win7) #484

Open ChrisAG3 opened 5 years ago

ChrisAG3 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I installed v0.38.8 (normal version, not portable) last night, on Win7 64-bit, SP1. Every time I try to open Preferences, either via File menu or shortcut, this happens:

3-4 seconds passes, no action, and then a shadow/hole of what should be the preferences window appears together with the Win hourglass, and my CPU peaks to around 50% (when no other programs are active). It freezes like this, and I have no other option than to force-close Cherrytree.

And yup, this happens every time, so I still haven't had the pleasure to see the program preferences :D

Anyone else experienced this? Any workarounds?

ChrisAG3 commented 5 years ago

Meanwhile I'll just edit the config file manually, works so far.

giuspen commented 5 years ago

Difficult to understand what's going on unless you try and run from the python source code as described from

ghost commented 5 years ago

I experience the same issue, but on Manjaro with CherryTree 0.38.9 built from the AUR.

tripod3d commented 5 years ago

I experience the same issue, but on Manjaro with CherryTree 0.38.9 built from the AUR.

Just the same, but in ArchLabs with the same pkg.

giuspen commented 5 years ago

I'll try and reproduce

giuspen commented 5 years ago

I set up a manjaro (xfce) virtualbox, applied all upgrades, installed cherrytree from AUR and can open the preferences dialog without any issue. What I noticed is that Ctrl+Alt+P shortcut opens a desktop dialog so I had to go via the cherrytree top menu instead. Can you share your config.cfg?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Ctrl+Alt+P also crashes my installation. You find my config attached as a txt (in order to upload it here) config.txt

Oh and I am on Manjaro Gnome

tripod3d commented 5 years ago

I use the default ArchLabs and the config.cfg is empty.

tripod3d commented 5 years ago


I just discovered that it is a font issue with the special characters. I had Noto Sans Mono Regular and this happens, but changed to UbuntuMono Nerd Font Regular and the Preferences window showed up very fast. Then I erased all the special characters, chenged the font again to Noto and it worked fine.

giuspen commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tripod3d, it looks like a bug in the library then that hopefully will go in gtk3

Chuhtra commented 4 years ago

This issue appeared to me today as well (v.0.39.2 in Manjaro KDE), and I managed to overcome it with just deleting the special characters in cofing.cfg. No font edit at all, just the characters.

eli9999 commented 4 years ago

The same issue (Plasma5) config.cfg:

[state] file_dir = /home/user/Desktop file_name = ch1.ctb toolbar_visible = True win_is_maximized = False win_position_x = 492 win_position_y = 224 win_size_w = 963 win_size_h = 630 hpaned_pos = 170 tree_visible = True node_path = 1 cursor_position = 325 doc_0 = /home/user/Desktop/ch1.ctb pick_dir_import = pick_dir_export = pick_dir_file = pick_dir_img = pick_dir_csv = pick_dir_cbox = link_type = webs show_node_name_header = True nodes_on_node_name_header = 3 toolbar_icon_size = 1

[tree] rest_exp_coll = 0 expanded_collapsed_string = 9,False_1,False_8,False_6,False_2,False_3,False_4,False_5,False_7,False nodes_bookm_exp = False nodes_icons = c aux_icon_hide = False default_icon_text = 25 tree_right_side = False cherry_wrap_width = 130 tree_click_focus_text = False tree_click_expand = False

[editor] syntax_highlighting = custom-colors auto_syn_highl = sh style_scheme = cobalt spell_check_lang = en_GB enable_spell_check = False show_line_numbers = False spaces_instead_tabs = True tabs_width = 4 anchor_size = 16 embfile_size = 48 embfile_show_filename = True embfile_max_size = 10 line_wrapping = True auto_smart_quotes = True enable_symbol_autoreplace = True wrapping_indent = -14 auto_indent = True rt_show_white_spaces = False pt_show_white_spaces = True rt_highl_curr_line = True pt_highl_curr_line = True space_around_lines = 0 relative_wrapped_space = 50 h_rule = ~~~~~~~~~ special_chars = “”„‘’•◇▪▸☐☑☒★…‰€©®™°↓↑→←↔↵⇓⇑⇒⇐⇔»«▼▲►◄≤≥≠≈±¹²³½¼⅛×÷∞ø∑√∫ΔδΠπΣΦΩωαβγεηλμ☺☻☼♥♣♦✔♀♂♪♫✝ selword_chars = .-@ chars_listbul = •◇▪-→⇒ chars_todo = ☐☑☒ chars_toc = ▸•◇▪ chars_smart_dquote = “” chars_smart_squote = ‘’ latest_tag_prop = latest_tag_val = timestamp_format = %Y/%m/%d - %H:%M links_underline = True links_relative = False weblink_custom_action = Falsefirefox %s & filelink_custom_action = Falsexdg-open %s & folderlink_custom_action = Falsexdg-open %s &

[codebox] codebox_width = 700.0 codebox_height = 100.0 codebox_width_pixels = True codebox_line_num = False codebox_match_bra = True codebox_syn_highl = plain-text codebox_auto_resize = False

[table] table_rows = 1 table_columns = 2 table_column_mode = rename table_col_min = 40 table_col_max = 60

[fonts] rt_font = Sans 9 pt_font = Sans 9 tree_font = Sans 8 code_font = Monospace 9

[colors] rt_def_fg = #000000 rt_def_bg = #7bdc8d tt_def_fg = #0b0c0c tt_def_bg = #e0e0e0 monospace_bg = #7f7f7f palette_list = #000000:#ffffff:#7f7f7f:#ff0000:#a020f0:#0000ff:#add8e6:#00ff00:#ffff00:#ffa500:#e6e6fa:#a52a2a:#8b6914:#1e90ff:#ffc0cb:#90ee90:#1a1a1a:#4d4d4d:#bfbfbf:#e5e5e5 col_link_webs = #00008989ffff col_link_node = #071c838e071c col_link_file = #8b8b69691414 col_link_fold = #7f7f7f7f7f7f

[misc] toolbar_ui_list = tree_add_node,tree_add_subnode,separator,go_node_prev,go_node_next,separator,*,ct_save,export_pdf,separator,find_in_allnodes,separator,handle_bull_list,handle_num_list,handle_todo_list,separator,handle_image,handle_table,handle_codebox,handle_embfile,handle_link,handle_anchor,separator,fmt_rm,fmt_color_fg,fmt_color_bg,fmt_bold,fmt_italic,fmt_underline,fmt_strikethrough,fmt_h1,fmt_h2,fmt_h3,fmt_small,fmt_superscript,fmt_subscript,fmt_monospace systray = False start_on_systray = False use_appind = False autosave = False autosave_val = 5 check_version = False word_count = False reload_doc_last = True mod_time_sent = True backup_copy = True backup_num = 3 autosave_on_quit = False limit_undoable_steps = 20 journal_day_format = %d %a





txe commented 4 years ago

did you try to delete special_chars ?

eli9999 commented 4 years ago

Commenting special_chars didn't help. Terminal /home/user/.gtkrc-2.0:18: error: unexpected character ':', expected keyword - e.g. `style' /usr/share/cherrytree/modules/ GtkWarning: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murr ine", self.window = gtk.Window() sel node id=1, seq=2

txe commented 4 years ago

I was a bit unclear, just commenting is not much helpful because the program in this case recovers it from defaults. You need to leave it empty.

special_chars = 

About warnings in console, they do not related to the issue, probably the current gtk2 theme has some problem, and engine 'murrine' is missing, to install it:

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386
eli9999 commented 4 years ago

Was no need changing spec_chars for Plasma5: System settings: Gnome/GTK Application style return to defaults helps, while Application Style above can be changed to any any style. Works fine, now ))

txe commented 4 years ago

Good to hear! FYI, the gtk2 library is really outdated, but gtk3 version is coming soon