givanz / Vvveb

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How config send email with smtp? #29

Open MazirGaming opened 1 year ago

MazirGaming commented 1 year ago

I have smtp configured, however when I make payment I don't know how to send about email. Can you help me? why function in checkout() only pass 3 parameters? while the function defined in the function.php file passes 4 parameters? Thanks!

MazirGaming commented 1 year ago

to send smtp mail, what should be edited? which files? and where to fix? Thank you very much

givanz commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the inconvenience, the email sending code was not complete, it is now working with the last update, please redownload the zip and update the files.

To setup smtp you can change the email config from admin > settings > email settings or you can simply edit config/mail.php directly and set the driver to smtp and configure the server parameters.

return [
    'driver' => 'smtp', //smtp
    'smtp'   => [
        //'host'     => 'tls://', //ssl://
        'host'     => 'tls://',
        'user'     => '',
        'password' => 'thisisfakepassword',
        'port'     => '587', //tls = 587, ssl = 465
        'timeout'  => '5',

There are still some work to do on the email part, currently only reset and new order templates are finished, the remaining templates such as new user etc will be finished in the next update.