givery-technology / sample-test

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implemented #23

Open holycattle opened 9 years ago

holycattle commented 9 years ago

Hi @shunjikonishi and @maximum80,

First of all, here's the link to the repo:

I implemented it using Play 2.4.2 and Slick 3.0, with Scala. I also added a couple of open-source plugins for working with Redis as well as a driver for Joda Dates support for Slick.

I tried to learn Play, Slick, and Scala as I went along (I have some functional programming experience thanks to some Lisp/Scheme exposure and working with Javascript and Coffeescript, so those helped) to make this project over the past 4 days, so there are parts of my code that aren't as succinct and concise as I would have hoped. :astonished: All the tests pass though. :smiley:

I also encountered some trouble with provisioning (for some reason, {{os_user_name}} is null, breaking the mysql installation), but I tried to fix my Vagrantfile and Ansible provisioning scripts and make them as stable as possible. I hope you don't encounter any trouble setting up my environment.

After running vagrant up, do the following:

vagrant provision
vagrant ssh
mysql -uvagrant -pvagrant -Dvagrant < scala-test/sql/create.sql
cd scala-test
npm install
cd ticket-serv

I also added these instructions to the modified README.


Best regards, Joniel Ibasco

shunjikonishi commented 9 years ago

Hi @holycattle Thank you for taking our test.

I verified your implementation pass all of the test. Great.

I also saw your code and

As you said, current code is not so succinct.
But I guess you have good and wide range skills from this implementation and comments.

So my impression is good.

Next step is skype with me. I want to ask you about your skill more. Especially inflastructure.

We'll contact you by Wantedly.


Shunji Konishi

holycattle commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @shunjikonishi. I definitely need a lot of practice with Scala. :laughing:

See you on Skype!