giwty / switch-library-manager

Complete solution to manage, organize and keep your local switch backup game library up to date . Cross platform, supports all game formats.
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Filters for all columns #64

Open mspykerez opened 3 years ago

mspykerez commented 3 years ago

Could you add a entry box filter on the LIBRARY tab for the ‘Title id’, ‘Region’ and ‘Type’ columns? The MISSING GAMES tab already have such a box for the ‘Region’ column but the others are missing. Also regarding ‘Region’ is it possible to narrow it more to the continent of the release instead of country (like America, Europe, Asia)? For example, there are games that are released in all Europe and not a single specific country in it.

Ps. I notice that the dates on the MISSING GAMES tab and UPDATES tab are displayed differently, one is like 20200618 and the other 2020-06-18, the later is better visually wise I think, plus the LIBRARY tab doesn’t have a release column at all ☹

mspykerez commented 3 years ago

Dropping this here as well since it fits on the topic at hand I think:

The search/filter could use some ‘logic’ into to it! What I mean by this is as it is now if you write ‘mario world’ it will not pick up anything because I assume that that 2 words are not found consecutively in any title, however if you write ‘3d world’ it will show the Super Mario 3D World game…