Open chl0e3e opened 2 years ago
GDOv7 is not really planned as a multi-user system, but it should and (?:could)* be? +asap
Thanks for this!
A milestone here is to have two linux user accounts to share the same gdo installation (this is actually a speedup as the pathes are in opcache)
Thx for your input!
One could write a phpgdo-multiuser module that switches configs based on usernames? O.o (brrr)
Escaping should only be done to untrusted user input. For example you can mark GDTs Traiting WithTitle as being ->escaped().
@TODO: Automaticall mark GDO having GDT_Title as being escaped. (I bet there are XSS lurking atm)
As a user you might want to add plain html.
Actually GDOv7 GDT_Message - (user content OUCH!) - is based on a simple
It uses htmlpurifier to sanitize the user input.
There are gdo modules available to change the GDT_Message editor to a wysiwyg editor (currently only some Module_Markdown (without file support atm).
All inputs to CLI systems should be escaped for security reasons. Also recommended to add blacklists for CLI functions and/or remove them.