gjb2048 / moodle-theme_shoehorn

Shoehorn theme for Moodle with the underlying Bootstrap v3 theme.
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Images not displayed in a label on the front page #4

Closed hartmut1s closed 10 years ago

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

When I upgraded the theme to the latest version in a local installation with Moodle 2.7 (Build: 20140512) installed, the image on the front page was no longer displayed.

As I was not sure what has happened, I added another label with an image aligned to the left and the short text "Are you ready" next to it. The text is visible, but not the image.

With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

Please could you post a screenshot.


gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

So is the label in the front page topic?

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

This is what I see when I edit the label on the front page label text

This is what I see after saving the label. front page saved

This is a screenshot from our life site where the image is visible on the front page. life site

The box for "Include a topic section" is checked in Frontpage settings.

With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

Thank you, I will look into this as soon as I can. Reopened the issue :)



gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Ah ha! Its a site page? If so then I think that I might not have got this functionality complete. Very interesting! In the mean time, could you use images using the 'Image bank' functionality please.

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

I changed the navigation in my local installation from "My home" to "Site," added the image "distraction" to the image bank and started a new label on the front page. label in edit view

After saving, I can only see the text at the bottom of the page, but not the image. (http://scherer:83/moodle/) front page with new label

Perhaps this gives you a clue what is going on.

With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

After adding the image to the image bank, did you copy and insert the URL for the image in the label?


hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

Yes, I copied the URL from the image bank into the label. Here is another thought. Could it be that the text editor Atto strips the HTML and disables images to display properly? Because it's not only the image, which is missing. There is also an h2 or h3 style missing in "New to PIU". So this could indicate that Atto is the culprit, not the theme. With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Possibly. Are you inserting the image URL as a link?

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

If I may, I'll test later on.

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

I inserted the image from the image bank with URL, but I uploaded the other images from my computer.

I just switched the text editor - no difference. TinyMCE doesn't display an image either.

It will take some hours now until I can respond. I need some sleep and then I need to get ready for my classes. So in about 19 hours I can test more or try to answer more questions.

With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

When you wake...

Cannot replicate yet. Sometimes the draft files disappear with time. I have my test environment set-up with images using both methods on the frontpage topic area:.....

2014-10-08 15_22_29-editing label 2014-10-08 15_23_20-editing label


gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

P.S. Using ATTO.

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

Sorry for the delay. I will now continue testing the front page. I forgot to tell you that I am in Theme Developer Mode (otherwise the CSS is not displayed correctly). It doesn’t seem to be an image problem on the front page rather than a style problem, i.e. all styles are stripped off when saving a label.

I added another label in italics “Label without image; all text in italics” -> no italics on front page.

Than, I added a label with heading 1 “Label Heading 1." Heading is visible in edit mode, but as soon as I save the text, all style is gone. label heading 1

Inspected label in local installation: label heading 1 inspected

I went to our life site, added a label with Heading 1 and the style remains. front page label heading 1 - life site label heading 1 inspected - life site

When I compare the screenshots of the inspected labels, I cannot explain why the h3 style in the front page of the local installation is not saved.

With kind regards, Hartmut

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

I applied the patch to Apache http.conf

ThreadStackSize 8388608

and was able to uncheck Theme Designer Mode, but it doesn't make a difference with styles on the front page. Styles in labels are still stripped off.

With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

Ok, thanks. So to clarify, you are editing the labels on the frontpage topic and their styles are being stripped? Sorry, but lost the the thread.

The 'ThreadStackSize 8388608' fix is only if no styles at all are generated with TDM off.



hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

Styles added in labels on the frontpage topic are being stripped. This is what I observe in my local installation. Any text with bold, italics or a heading style will be displayed after saving as normal or plain text, no style at all.

With kind regards, Hartmut

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

Does the accordion style for blocks interfere with labels on the front page? Many times the text in labels is truncated as you can see here: frontpage after login

For your reference, I use the same frontpage setting (only a few labels are there) in our life site at http://pibc-edu.com

With kind regards, Hartmut

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

Umm, no it does not interfere because as you have docking, accordion blocks are not on. Having accordion blocks on disables docking.


gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

The shortening will be a width setting with a text-overflow css attribute.

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

I forgot that accordion and docking exclude each other. Still wondering why the text is truncated and all styles are not save.

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Ok, please give me some time to test :)

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

Hi Hartmut,

I still cannot replicate:

2014-10-10 10_42_54-moodle 27 university of software engineering

Do you have any filters active that could be stripping the content? Look in: Home -> Site administration -> Plugins -> Filters -> Manage filters

hartmut1s commented 10 years ago

Hi Gareth,

This morning I did a clean installation of Bitnami-Moodle 2.7 and only installed Shoehorn and Bootstrap theme. Now the frontpage looks as expected, i.e., style is saved and images are also displayed. I am glad that your theme Shoehorn is working properly. Thanks for your patience with me.

gjb2048 commented 10 years ago

No worries Hartmut, so is this closed then?

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