gjospin / PhyloSift

Phylogenetic and taxonomic analysis for genomes and metagenomes
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Add Daily PhyloSift benchmarks to website #258

Closed hollybik closed 12 years ago

hollybik commented 12 years ago

Find a way to embed the simulation benchmarking on the PhyloSift blog.

From this web address: http://edhar.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/~koadman/phylosift/accuracy/

hollybik commented 12 years ago

I updated the PhyloSift website on Monday with a new post linking to the simulation site, and also added a permanent (and easily accessible) link to the site on the new "Quicklinks" toolbar located on the right hand side of the homepage.

Unfortunately I can't embed the simulation benchmark plots directly onto our website. We are using the free wordpress.com blog, which doesn't allow any javascript at all for security purposes. If we wanted more functionality on our PhyloSift website, and wanted to transfer the benchmarking simulation plots there, we would have to upgrade to a full wordpress.org site.