Open gjtiquia opened 1 year ago
for now really just implement AABB (Axis-aligned bounding boxes), detection and resolution
add abstract class System in the core package
Each Scene has a list of game objects and a list of systems
System has access to the lifecycle
Execution order will be game object components first, then system
The design is so that the components can do "whatever they want" and the system will do the "correction"
For a "clean" way to handle things, components should really just hold data and leave all the data manipulation to the system, following the ECS architecture
But it's nice to allow regular components without thinking about systems
Unity event execution reference:
FixedUpdate in Unity is for scripts to do stuff like Rigidbody.AddForce, then the Internal Physics Update will take these into account, move the rigidbodies and do collision handling.
Add class Physics2DSystem extends System in physics-2d package
Most of the work would can be done in fixedUpdate, since System.fixedUpdate comes after Component.fixedUpdate, like how Unity's internal physics update comes after FixedUpdate in components.
Not doing it in lateUpdate, to reserve some flexibility for other components to make use of the information done in fixedUpdate, if ever needed.
There are 3 steps
Stretch goal:
Add class Rigidbody2D extends Component
Rigidbodies can operate without colliders. they will move with the physics system during the integration step.
add abstract class System in the core package
Each Scene has a list of game objects and a list of systems
System has access to the lifecycle
Execution order will be game object components first, then system
The design is so that the components can do "whatever they want" and the system will do the "correction"
For a "clean" way to handle things, components should really just hold data and leave all the data manipulation to the system, following the ECS architecture
But it's nice to allow regular components without thinking about systems
Add class Physics2DSystem extends System in physics-2d package
Most of the work would be done in lateUpdate, with 3 steps
Stretch goal:
Goal: move all the Rigidbodies
In Component.fixedUpdate, whenever Rigidbody.AddForce is called, the resultant acceleration is calculated (with fixedDeltaTime) and added to the net acceleration
Unity Rigidbody.AddForce reference
In the reference, change in velocity means the acceleration.
Stretch Goals
in PhysicsSystem2D, the velocity is updated by the net acceleration. NO NEED to multiply by fixedDeltaTime, as this should have been done in the AddForce calculation
save the current position for use during the detection and resolution step
const previousPosition = {...position}
the position is then updated by the velocity * dt
velocity += netAcceleration
position += velocity * dt
then reset netAcceleration to zero
netAcceleration = {x: 0, y: 0}
straight into narrow phase detection, broad phase is a stretch goal
slow O(n^2) but, it works, dun do premature optimization until needed
Unity Collision Detection Mode reference
for each Collider2D, check against other Collider2D and see if they are colliding
Collider2D does discrete detection by default and just checks the current position. Tunneling may occur.
for rigidbodies, should (optionally) do continous detection, checks in the path from the previous position to the current position and see if there were any collisions during that time. this prevents tunneling.
note that not all rigidbodies hv colliders. or the other way around, not all colliders have rigidbodies.
the continuous detection can be done by.... sweeping using line segments maybe?
stretch goal
add all the collisions into a hashmap, for use in resolution phase, and potentially OnCollisionEnter2D and OnCollisionExit2D calls
correctly displace the game object
just need to do resolution for rigidbodies? technically no need to resolve those game objects with just colliders, they are not expected to be moving anyways?
include Rigidbody2D and Collider2D
static box colliders first
stretch goals