gjtorikian / mathematical

Convert mathematical equations to SVGs, PNGs, or MathML. A general wrapper to Lasem and mtex2MML.
MIT License
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Incompatibility with `ruby-enum` v0.7.1 #69

Closed lmshk closed 7 years ago

lmshk commented 7 years ago

I cannot require 'mathematical' when using ruby-enum v0.7.1; the error is:

NameError: wrong constant name default
from <path/to/gem>/lib/ruby-enum/enum.rb:34:in `const_set'

(This also prevents me from using asciidoctor-mathematical.)

Downgrading ruby-enum to v0.7.0 works.

gjtorikian commented 7 years ago

I'm looking into it, thanks for the report!

oddhack commented 7 years ago

Same problem (expressed differently due to my invocation path, see the asciidoctor-mathematical issue noted above); downgrading to 0.7.0 also appears to work for me.