This issue stems from the Roxygen convention that the first LaTeX-paragraph of the roxygen header become the title. The package's function index expects relatively short sentences/phrases here, or the rendering looks pretty bad in the index. I think the title ends-up being a run-on when you read the documentation in a GUI as well.
The fix:
Easy. Put a space between the short phrase you want to keep as the title, and the rest of the paragraph(s) that you want to use for additional details. The first paragraph after the title in the roxygen header becomes the summary, and any additional paragraphs beyond that get dropped into "additional details" or whatever it's called.
This issue stems from the Roxygen convention that the first LaTeX-paragraph of the roxygen header become the title. The package's function index expects relatively short sentences/phrases here, or the rendering looks pretty bad in the index. I think the title ends-up being a run-on when you read the documentation in a GUI as well.
The fix: Easy. Put a space between the short phrase you want to keep as the title, and the rest of the paragraph(s) that you want to use for additional details. The first paragraph after the title in the roxygen header becomes the summary, and any additional paragraphs beyond that get dropped into "additional details" or whatever it's called.