[ ] We will add role attribute to users. The first created user in database will be assigned 'admin' role, the other users will be assigned 'user' role by default.
[ ] We will assure that the admin could manage any resources.
[ ] We will assure that any user can get data about cars.
[ ] We assure that only owners can see, make, update, delete, their self-reservations.
Add Cancancan Authorizations
We will implement the following features:
[ ] We will add cancancan as a dependency.
[ ] We will add role attribute to users. The first created user in database will be assigned 'admin' role, the other users will be assigned 'user' role by default.
[ ] We will assure that the admin could manage any resources.
[ ] We will assure that any user can get data about cars.
[ ] We assure that only owners can see, make, update, delete, their self-reservations.