Closed gjwgit closed 3 months ago
# Rattle timestamp: 2024-05-31 16:36:48.039319 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
# The 'Hmisc' package provides the 'contents' function.
library(Hmisc, quietly=TRUE)
# Obtain a summary of the dataset.
contents(crs$dataset[crs$train, c(crs$input, crs$risk, crs$target)])
summary(crs$dataset[crs$train, c(crs$input, crs$risk, crs$target)])
# The 'Hmisc' package provides the 'describe' function.
library(Hmisc, quietly=TRUE)
# Generate a description of the dataset.
describe(crs$dataset[crs$train, c(crs$input, crs$risk, crs$target)])
# The 'mice' package provides the 'md.pattern' function.
library(mice, quietly=TRUE)
# Generate a summary of the missing values in the dataset.
md.pattern(crs$dataset[,c(crs$input, crs$target)])
COMP3430 DW Lab 1 loads a sample dataset and asks students to explore the dataset: summary, describe, skewness, missing.
Closing Citeria
A collection of R scripts:
[x] explore_summary.R
[x] explore_describe.R (incorpoated into summary)
[x] explore_skewness.R (incorporated into SUMMARY)
[x] explore_missing.R
[x] explore correlation
[x] Explore tab implementation to call upon the different scripts.
[x] Dataset tab needs to support ignore option.
[x] Test tab Correlation functionality
Test Case
Data Wrangling Lab 1 Required for Week 3 but must be there end of June