gjy3035 / GCC-SFCN

This is the official code of spatial FCN in the paper Learning from Synthetic Data for Crowd Counting in the Wild [CVPR2019].
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Is it possible to release vgg network pretrained on GCC? #2

Closed xialeiliu closed 5 years ago

xialeiliu commented 5 years ago

I would like to do a quick experiment with vgg network, I would appreciate if you could help on it.

gjy3035 commented 5 years ago

vgg network? you mean sfcn based on vgg or pure vgg? we have conducted two baselines with vgg backbone. unfortunately, the trained models are saved in my server. when i return lab, i can share the pretrained weights and the model definitions with you.

xialeiliu commented 5 years ago

Pure vgg, I want to compare training from ImageNet-pretrained and GCC-pretrained VGG-16. Thanks a lot! By the way, have you observed that GCC-pretrained network is better than ImageNet-pretrained? I guess you compare these two in your paper.

Elin24 commented 5 years ago

@xialeiliu I am a co-author of this paper. The code you want is as follows


class VGG(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, pretrained=True):
        super(VGG, self).__init__()
        vgg = models.vgg16()
        if pretrained:
        features = list(vgg.features.children())
        self.features4 = nn.Sequential(*features[0:23])

        self.de_pred = nn.Sequential(
            Conv2d(512, 128, 1, same_padding=True, NL='relu'),
            Conv2d(128, 1, 1, same_padding=True, NL='relu')

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.features4(x)       
        x = self.de_pred(x)
        x = F.upsample(x,scale_factor=8)
        return x

VGG decoder:

class VGG_decoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, pretrained=True):
        super(VGG_decoder, self).__init__()
        vgg = models.vgg16()
        if pretrained:
        features = list(vgg.features.children())
        self.features4 = nn.Sequential(*features[0:23])

        self.de_pred = nn.Sequential(
            Conv2d( 512, 128, 3, same_padding=True, NL='relu'),
            Conv2d(16, 1, 1, same_padding=True, NL='relu')

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.features4(x)       
        x = self.de_pred(x)
        return x

@gjy3035 will provide the pretrained vgg model parameters later, if you need.

gjy3035 commented 5 years ago

@xialeiliu in our paper, we have compared the results using different installation. due to other stuff, our paper can not be polished. we will upload the paper in 5 days. 41a005c5-d589-470f-9f40-756c979054a2

xialeiliu commented 5 years ago

That's exactly what I want to see, very interesting results. Thanks for posting it here!

gjy3035 commented 5 years ago

We have upload the download link for VGG and VGG_decoder, which are trained under the C^3 Framework (the performance is better this repo). https://mailnwpueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/gjy3035_mail_nwpu_edu_cn/EVdYCMGL5WRKp-QRSXs6KlsBGinp0XA3KR4No9cC0OuBcw?e=nehYUH


Thanks for your attention!