gjy3035 / GCC-SFCN

This is the official code of spatial FCN in the paper Learning from Synthetic Data for Crowd Counting in the Wild [CVPR2019].
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Cycle-GAN training #5

Open IssamLaradji opened 5 years ago

IssamLaradji commented 5 years ago

Hii! Does the code have the cycle-gan part of the paper? Thanks!

gjy3035 commented 5 years ago

For SE Cycle GAN, we add a loss in Cycle GAN during the reconstruction process. In practice, we add a .py file and modify the model file.

Considering the minor improvement based on Cycle GAN, we provide some related files. SE CycleGAN.zip

pytorch_ssim: loss computation. cycle_gan_model.py: SE Cycle GAN model file filter.py: Scene Regulization.

gjy3035 commented 5 years ago

Because of many deadlines in March and April, we don't have enough time to check the entire SE Cycle GAN code and release it. After April, we will try our best to open source it ASAP. If you have any problems during training SE Cycle GAN, you can submit issues or send email to me: gjy3035@gmail.com. Thanks for your attention!

IssamLaradji commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot @gjy3035 that's very helpful! Would it be okay if you provide the hyperparameters you used with Cycada/SSIM?

For example,

Thanks a lot for your engagement! :)

gjy3035 commented 5 years ago

Other settings are followed by pix2pix's (pytorch 0.3.1) default configuration (the paper also mentions it). To be specific,

Here, we provide the opt.txt for you. opt.txt Two key setting: loadSize: 540: height size for pre processing; resize_or_crop: scale_height_and_crop: keeping the ratio and resize GCC to height of 540, i.e., the entire resolution is 540*960 (you may add some code similar to "scale_width_and_crop" in data/base_dataset.py).

CommissarMa commented 5 years ago

I wonder if the process of generating realistic GCC images are as follows:

  1. use 'scale_height_and_crop' to get 360*360 patches for CycleGAN training as your opt.txt above.
  2. use trained netG to get realistic GCC images with 540*960. Thank you.