gka / chroma.js

JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
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Brewer scales does not seem accurate #316

Open yohanboniface opened 1 year ago

yohanboniface commented 1 year ago


When using this example from the documentation:

>> chroma.scale('OrRd').colors(5);
Array(5) [ "#fff7ec", "#fdd49e", "#fc8d59", "#d7301f", "#7f0000" ]

I would expect it to return the same colors as ColorBrewer would do:


But the results differ:

When I look at the chroma-js code handling this, it seems to me that indeed the brewer management is simplified. But I'm not sure at this point if this is a bug or a feature (to keep the code simple). And also I may be missing something.

So if this is considered as a bug, I can try to work on a proposal. If it's a feature, let's close! And if I'm misunderstandin something, sorry for the noise!