gkaindl / ambi-tv

a flexible ambilight clone for embedded linux
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Cheaper leds with arduino interpreter #1

Open TheBestJohn opened 10 years ago

TheBestJohn commented 10 years ago

Do you think I'd be able to use these: http://www.adafruit.com/products/1460#Description if I set it up to send a string of serial data to an arduino that would then change the lights on the strip? these are about half the price of the linked strips but do require a more strictly timed controller.

gkaindl commented 10 years ago

Sure, that should be rather straight-forward if you implement it as another "sink" component.

In fact, the only differences (I think!) would be that you write to a serial port rather than spidev, and that you'd use 8bit colors instead of 7bit, like the LPD8806 does.

Another possibility to implement this might be to use ambi-tv on a Beaglebone rather than an RPi: Those have a PRU (programmable real-time unit) that could easily generate the correct timings.

Anyway, if you go ahead and build this, I'd love for you to send me a pull request afterwards!

Dikootje commented 10 years ago

I've seen youtube clips where an arduino or teensy controller, loaded with adalight software, is driving the ws2811/ws2812 strips. If their timing is good enough you could write a sink component that drives 'adalight' controllers.

Then you would have the rPi to decode and calculate colors and output these to an usb connected adalight controller.