gkaindl / ambi-tv

a flexible ambilight clone for embedded linux
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Gamma for RGB channels #27

Open satch86 opened 10 years ago

satch86 commented 10 years ago

When I change the values for the RGB gamma values in the config file the color temperature stays the same. Shouldn't different gamma values result in a changed color output? At the moment my white has a distinctive blue hue... EDIT: Ok, I have made some progress: Changing the RGB gamma values makes a difference, but this difference only becomes visible once something else than the debian desktop is displayed. Plus, if I adjust the values so that white in the debian desktop is really white, the values go crazy once I play a movie via my PS3. Weird.

Is there like a range of values for the gamma? Everything above 10 seems to create this kind of behaviour (but only values above 10 yield a decent value for white).

Mrjohns42 commented 10 years ago

Gamma, without getting into too much detail, affects the brightness. Turning gamma up high makes the colors your LEDs put out much darker. Turning gamma down to a decimal will make the colors brighter. 10 is HUGE for gamma. If you refer to @gkaindl's note about gamma in the README, NTSC uses 2.8 for gamma and that's on the high end.

Within the range of 1.0 to 3.0, it's a matter of preference. Do you want the LEDs to turn off completely for dark colors or only for pitch black or not at all?

Once you decide on overall gamma levels, then calibrate each individual color if you find that one outshines the others.

EDIT: This article helps describe the effect of gamma

satch86 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the explanation! The main reason I started fiddling around with the gamma values was to try to get rid of the blue cast. But changing the blue gamma didn't really help that much. What would be the best way to achieve this goal (so that white actually looks like white)?