gkaindl / ambi-tv

a flexible ambilight clone for embedded linux
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Easycap Driver #28

Open stjoannou opened 10 years ago

stjoannou commented 10 years ago

I tried to compile the driver but every time I try to load it the Pi stops responding. The procedure I followed from a fresh install is:

  1. Run rpi-update to get the latest kernel/firmware
  2. Get ambi-tv from git
  3. Run the get-kernel-source.sh script as root
  4. Run make in the usbtv-driver folder
  5. modprobe videobuf2 modules as suggested in another topic
  6. insmod usbtv,ko file

After step 6 everything stops working until I reboot. Tried loading the module with and without the easycap device connected. Am I doing something wrong?

duenorh commented 10 years ago

Follow the instructions from Kris in this post https://github.com/gkaindl/ambi-tv/issues/7#issuecomment-23190594 . Don't update your pi before installing the drivers for the easycap, just start with a fresh version of Raspian 2013-07-26 http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian/2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.zip .

stjoannou commented 10 years ago

Yes thank you. I found the thread couple of hours ago (even though I was searching for days). The only issue I am having is being unable to load with modprobe (saying module not found) but it works with insmod and video0 is created.

Mrjohns42 commented 10 years ago

Modprobe only works for modules placed in the system modules directory. Thats why you had to use insmod.