gkaindl / ambi-tv

a flexible ambilight clone for embedded linux
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Noob with a Frozen Pi. Desperate #48

Open nickmazz opened 10 years ago

nickmazz commented 10 years ago

I could really use some help all. I'm about as novice as it comes with this stuff- never done anything remotely like this- I am teaching myself as I move along.

My pi freezes when I get to a certain step.

This is what I have been doing: 1.) •Install Debian Wheezy on SD card 2.)•Run raspi-config, Expand the root file system, overclock, set to boot up into a desktop GUI. Reboot 3.) Launch LXTerminal and type in: sudo apt-get install git-core 4.) Typed: git clone https://github.com/gkaindl/ambi-tv.git
Pressed enter. 5.) cd ambi-tv/misc 6.) sudo bash get-kernel-source.sh 7.) cd usbtv-driver 8.) make 9.) sudo mkdir /lib/modules/3.6.11+/extra 10.) sudo cp usbtv.ko /lib/modules/3.6.11+/extra/ 11.) sudo depmod 3.6.11+ 12.) sudo modprobe videobuf2_core 13.) sudo modprobe videobuf2_vmalloc 14.) sudo modprobe usbtv

As soon as I press enter after typing in sudo modprobe usbtv, the raspberry pi freezes completely and does not respond- I even let it sit over night to see if it would free up, not no luck.

I am determined to have ambi-tv as I have been obsessed with ambilight since Phillips debuted it. I am to the point where I will pay someone to code the card properly and give step by step instructions on how to enter in LED light numbers. If not, I am willing to pay to have someone teach me how to do this.

I am in desperate need and have neither the knowhow nor the resources around me to address the problem locally.

Nick nmazzonewv@gmail.com

alextoff commented 10 years ago

I'm having the same issue a few others are having... I get nothing but green screen with the grabber. Has anyone figured this out? I have 2 different grabbers I've tried. Both based on the stk1160. I've tried all the input values. 0-4. Nothing. For a split second when I unplug the component cable, I think I see my screen, but it's just a fraction of a second. I've tried setting the HDMI2AV to PAL and NTSC.... there's no difference.

Also, I'm not powering my lights from the Pi, I have them on their own power source.

jcf6288 commented 10 years ago

Green screen means there is no input into the grabber. I would try plugging in the composite directly from your HDMI2AV into your tv and verify there is a picture. Try both NTSC and PAL.

alextoff commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve tried just about everything. I did plug in the composite directly into the TV, and there is indeed a picture. I’ve tried various sources, even bypassing the HDMI2AV and plugging in a composite source directly. The closest I’ve gotten is seeing a VERY scrambly, hazy, black and white distortion with an underlying picture of my composite source. Very frustrating, considering I’m using the exact hardware that every other successful person has used, and the one in the Hyperion tutorial.

I’ve also tried switching the HDMI2AV from NTSC and PAL, multiple times in multiple arrangements and configs.

From: jcf6288 [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2014 3:51 PM To: gkaindl/ambi-tv Cc: alextoff Subject: Re: [ambi-tv] Noob with a Frozen Pi. Desperate (#48)

Green screen means there is no input into the grabber. I would try plugging in the composite directly from your HDMI2AV into your tv and verify there is a picture. Try both NTSC and PAL.

alextoff commented 10 years ago

For Hyperion I’ve tried many many different commands. This was the closest one: mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=360:height=288:outfmt=uyvy:device=/dev/video0:input=2:fps=15 –hardframedrop That’s the one that gives me the distortion. Do you believe it could be a bottleneck in the SD card?

I have a Class 4 8GB Kingston. I’m also powering the Pi with 5V 5A supply on its own, no lights.

From: jcf6288 [mailto:notifications@github.com] To: gkaindl/ambi-tv Cc: alextoff Subject: Re: [ambi-tv] Noob with a Frozen Pi. Desperate (#48) Try this

/usr/bin/mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:width=360:height=288:input=2:normid=0:device=/dev/video0 -vo fbdev -fs -fps 20 tv:// </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Class 4 might be the problem, if the system is unable to keep up with the data rate in it will give a green screen.

From: Alextoff

Thank you for taking the time to help me, I really very much appreciate it. So, apparently, it’s now working with my Xbox 360 using both my command and yours! Apparently, it must have been my source. I was trying to output HDMI from my PC… I’m not sure why it didn’t work, as the HDMI2AV converter was displaying the image just fine on my TV… but just now, I hooked everything up to my 360 to test your command, and up it went.

I’ll have to see what I can do to get it working with my PC, as I was hoping to use it for my PC, PS4 and U-Verse box. Thank you again!

Phil1988 commented 10 years ago

answers getting longer and longer but not the quality becomes better...

jcf6288 & alextoff you should not post like this. normally I wanted to answer and tell why the statement from alextoff "Green screen means there is no input into the grabber. I would try plugging in the composite directly from your HDMI2AV into your tv and verify there is a picture. Try both NTSC and PAL." is nonsense. And what really the reason is for that... But scrolling like for 5min to come to this write box took my motivation

amroibrahim commented 10 years ago

""Green screen means there is no input into the grabber....", I have a feeling he has blue and green inverted, usually it is a blue screen not green, are u using the grabber they recommended in the project?

Phil1988 commented 10 years ago

its just a not powerfull enough supply and/or not additional power line to the grabber... everyone who read closely would have known this as I reported this a couple of times

alextoff commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I did not realize it was being posted here. I had emailed jcf6288 because he had a similar situation. Everything is working just fine now. It wasn't an issue with power. The HDMI2AV was outputting the picture just fine... I'm not sure what the problem was to be honest. I disconnected everything moved it into another room to test an Xbox 360 with it (I was previously testing my PC) and it worked without issue. I then moved it back into the living room to test with my media PC once more, and again, it began working without any issues! So, I'm unsure what the actual problem was. I have a feeling the source (HDMI out from my PC) wasn't outputting correctly. I did restart both the PC and Pi multiple times, but it hadn't fixed the issue until I tested the 360.

Once everything was up and running I had a chance to test everything else out. There was significant flickering with the lights... but after switching the blue GND wire from the lights to DMC (20) rather than 25, the flickering completely went away. I plan to also buffer the line with a 74HCT08 IC for added stability, but as it is it's working great.

I've read of others having issues with black border detection...but I have not had any problems... it detects black borders in XBMC perfectly. Something to note... you will need to install the XBMC Hyperion plugin for this to work correctly (https://github.com/tvdzwan/hyperion/wiki/XBMC-addon-(not-for-RPi)).

Phil1988 commented 10 years ago

believe me it is too less power! you will come back to this when it gives you again a green screen. I reported this month ago and lots confirmed that this issue is resolved by adding power.

alextoff commented 10 years ago

Not an issue with power, believe me. It was an issue with the source input. My power supply is adequate. The source was my PC HDMI out, it wasn't being sent properly... which is why as soon as I tested the Xbox 360 it had no issue at all. Right now, everything is working great. I purchased a 4x2 HDMI matrix to switch between devices (PS4, U-Verse Box, PC, Xbox).. the only issue continues to be my PC HDMI out... when I switch away from this input it takes power away from the HDMI of the PC, the PC then freaks out and won't display a signal until I reboot...I've bypassed this issue by using a second 1x2 HDMI splitter, one directly to the TV gives continuous power to the HDMI of the PC, the other HDMI cable goes to the 4x2 matrix. All is working great. I now need to start working on getting Hyperion to capture rather than mplayer. Hyperion does a much better job, as I have it grabbing my XBMC and it's very responsive.

jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

Hello, I'm a noob in this topic, but I'm eager to get my easycap UTV007 working. the thing is that this Forum: http://raspberry-at-home.com/video-grabber-for-raspberry-pi/ guided me to here, I'm currently having a lot of troubles attempting to make my easycap UTV007 (Fushicai) Video grabber to catch an analog NTSC video Signal and Even if i follow the steps in the Forum ( the one previously mentioned ) I can only get some frames to get work ( without many quality). After I had not get any positive results I decided to follow the instructions wrote by @Angora in the forum, and sumarized them as the following: "

  1. sudo apt-get install usbutils
  2. wget https://github.com/mnorthfield/ambi-tv/archive/master.zip
  3. unzip master.zip
  4. cd ambi-tv-master
  5. cd misc
  6. sudo bash get-kernel-source.sh
  7. cd usbtv-driver/
  8. make
  9. sudo mkdir -p /lib/modules/3.6.11+/extra
  10. sudo cp usbtv.ko /lib/modules/3.6.11+/extra
  11. sudo depmod 3.6.11+
  12. sudo modprobe videobuf2_core
  13. sudo modprobe videobuf2_vmalloc
  14. sudo modprobe usbtv
  15. change the file:
  16. sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
  17. to:
  18. spi-bcm2708

  19. insert into:
  20. sudo nano /etc/modules
  21. these lines of code:
  22. spi-bcm2708
  23. videobuf2_core
  24. videobuf2_vmalloc
  25. usbtv
  26. sudo apt-get install mplayer
  27. sudo mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video0 -hardframedrop "

( I omited further steps because I really will not use the easycap with the ambilight, but rather just as a video streamer so I could then stream it to internet (Wich I still don´t know how to do, any help will be helpful too) )

I only get the following result sumarized in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtewrDY4I-4&feature=youtu.be

The thing is that I believe is a power issue with the Raspberry or my powerhub, this is because I obverved the easycap is able to send some Frames of video if it is powered for the first time, however It doesn´t work for the second, third ... and It seems to work again If I power off and on the powerhub and the raspberry. So I was thinking of buying this raspberry Power Hub the " PiHub " : http://shop.pimoroni.com/products/pihub Do you think it might work ?

Another thing to take into consideration is that I attempted to use your execute your code "mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video0 -hardframedrop " But got only green screen, so I changed it a little to use the Mplayer in a NTSC region where I live this is the code with which I'm able to see some Frames at the begining " mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=320:height=240:device=/dev/viedo0:norm=NTSC_443:input=1:fps=10 -hardframedrop "

I also used this code from @Nishanth Reddy with similar results " mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:norm=NTSC+443:width=640:height=480:outfmt=uyvy:device=/dev/video0:input=1:fps=10 -vo sdl -hardframedrop -msglevel all=6"

After doing so I just get similar results to the video I just show you ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtewrDY4I-4&feature=youtu.be ) So I decided to make a deeper research at the first drivers done for the easycap ( according to what I have read ) and then I realized something must be going wrong with the output or input video format and I find some important info in here:


the line 50 and 51 say " #define USBTV_TV_STD (V4L2_STD_525_60 | V4L2_STD_PAL)" which may refer to video format extensions, I can recognice one is PAL, but how about the other ? Do you think this may be the problem of why I can't get any stable image ?

BTW if this just doesn´t work in a coming future I was thinking of searching another way to input analog video to the raspberry so then I can stream it to Internet. do you know any other way to do that ? Or to do it with the raspberry Pi ?

Any advice will be very welcome, I really need to get this thing working @Angora @nickmazz @Hackmodford @sn00zerman @Mrjohns42 @wisemonkey @alextoff @gkaindl @ghgoldberg @jcf6288 @iLLiac4 @Phil1988 @supercrab
Thanks in advance for everything !!!

jcf6288 commented 10 years ago

As far as I know the UTV007 is not compatible with the RPI. You need to find an EasyCap with the STK1160 and everything should work fine

jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

Do you know where can I buy one with the right chipset ( STK1160 ) I don´t find anyone who says it sells one on interntet :/. maybe a amazon link would be great if it is not a problem for you. Thanks in advance !!

Angora commented 10 years ago

I dont get why that rumour can keep itself so long. The utv 007 is compatible. Needs just a little more of an Installation. I think this could help: http://raspberry-at-home.com/video-grabber-for-raspberry-pi/

Angora Am 13.07.2014 04:00 schrieb "jorgegearvill" notifications@github.com:

Do you know where can I buy one with the right chipset ( STK1160 ) I don´t find anyone who says it sells one on interntet :/. maybe a amazon link would be great if it is not a problem for you. Thanks in advance !!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/gkaindl/ambi-tv/issues/48#issuecomment-48829457.

jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

I tried that tutorial an in fact i do get a stable imagd for about 1 second or less ( no more than 4 frames) so there are three possiblilities, im making a mistake when following the steps of the tutorial, or the drivers weren't made for the Ntsc signal, but only for PAL, i think this might be a good explanation, since most of the programmwrs who wrote me back arguing that the easycap UTV007 should run, were from eastern Europe and asia the third thing that i noticed is that when i use the easycap for the first time after plugin in the raspberry, is that it works for about 1 second ( as i told you before) howerer this just happens for the first time so it makes me thing it has something to do with the usb power hub, maybe it is just not providing the right amount of energy.

What do you think it might be ? Thanks in advance guys, you are so cool. @Angora @jcf6288

jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

By the way, I live in Mexico so all of my devices work with NTSC

Angora commented 10 years ago

I cannot test if NTSC might be the problem or not. But i could imagine that that might be an issue. If you search on amazon.com (or somwhere else) for "stk1160" you should get some good results.

Another thing you could test would be if that grabber gets enough power, since the RPi isn't strong enough (sometimes) to power the grabber.

So the easiest way will be getting the STK1160. If that is no problem for you go with that. If you like to "play" a little try it with the one you got and try to eliminate some possible errors ;)

ghgoldberg commented 10 years ago

So many problems that are reported in this forum are the result of improper power. It is best to use a single large 5VDC supply and A COMMON GROUND. If you search around in this forum you can find references to this issue. IMO, you will be wasting your time if you don't address this simple issue.

Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

-------- Original message --------
From: Angora notifications@github.com
Date:07/15/2014 2:19 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: gkaindl/ambi-tv ambi-tv@noreply.github.com
Cc: "Geoffrey H. Goldberg" GHG@GeoffreyGoldberg.com
Subject: Re: [ambi-tv] Noob with a Frozen Pi. Desperate (#48)
I cannot test if NTSC might be the problem or not. But i could imagine that that might be an issue. If you search on amazon.com (or somwhere else) for "stk1160" you should get some good results. Another thing you could test would be if that grabber gets enough power, since the RPi isn't strong enough (sometimes) to power the grabber. So the easiest way will be getting the STK1160. If that is no problem for you go with that. If you like to "play" a little try it with the one you got and try to eliminate some possible errors ;) — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.
jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

Thanks @Angora . @ghgoldberg how can I do that common ground stuff ? I'm really a noob and I really haven´t got any clue of how to do it :/ . could you please tell me a descriptive instructions and what I would need ?

jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

@Angora I have 3 more questions for you ... when I type the " sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf" I get 2 options : blacklist spi-bcm2708 blacklist i2c-bcm2708 should I hashta both of them or just the "spi-bcm2708 " option ? so i get like this

blacklist spi-bcm2708

blacklist i2c-bcm2708

or should be like

blacklist spi-bcm2708

blacklist i2c-bcm2708

the second question has to do with this : https://github.com/memeruiz/usbtv007

how do I install all this, I understand that If i do I will be able to play video with my easycap, however Im lost , I have any idea of how to install it im a noob, would you or anyone matter to help me please ?

the third question is basically the same I saw here http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Easycap

this : https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/media/usb/usbtv
should work, however I dont know how to do it ( just as the last one ) could you please show me ? Thanks in advance

ghgoldberg commented 10 years ago

Scroll back to my posting here of Jan 28. One of the pictures shows my power supply, a Mean Well RS-75 5V DC 12 amp supply. At the top of the power supply can be seen the terminal strip. Every component, including the LEDs is grounded to the power supply output common lug at this point. Also, note the size of the supply: 12 amps is sufficient to power everything.


From: jorgegearvill [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 11:36 AM To: gkaindl/ambi-tv Cc: Geoffrey H. Goldberg Subject: Re: [ambi-tv] Noob with a Frozen Pi. Desperate (#48)

Thanks @Angora https://github.com/Angora . @ghgoldberg https://github.com/ghgoldberg how can I do that common ground stuff ? I'm really a noob and I really haven´t got any clue of how to do it :/ . could you please tell me a descriptive instructions and what I would need ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/gkaindl/ambi-tv/issues/48#issuecomment-49183546 . https://github.com/notifications/beacon/6525564__eyJzY29wZSI6Ik5ld3NpZXM6QmVhY29uIiwiZXhwaXJlcyI6MTcyMTE0NDE0MywiZGF0YSI6eyJpZCI6MjE0NTIzODF9fQ==--5aa984be1f11796fb45357af6a86a1bb87cb5afa.gif

jorgegearvill commented 10 years ago

@ghgoldberg hello, sorry to bother you again ... Im attempting to do something like this with my easycap https://plus.google.com/app/basic/stream/z124gv1yzoffffjoy04chhag5waczp1iwkg0k how can i make the ground connection but without the ambilight or leds that you used ? My purpose is to get a security ip camera, using my composite camera. Again im getting the green screen and as you said it has to do with the power supplied, however i don't now how to make the ground connection that you say but without the leds or ambilight, can you help me please ? Thanks in advance again !!!