gkarsay / parlatype

GNOME audio player for transcription
GNU General Public License v3.0
168 stars 20 forks source link

Crash at Startup #93

Closed mikebarkmin closed 1 year ago

mikebarkmin commented 2 years ago

Installation and version

How did you install Parlatype?

 flatpak install org.parlatype.Parlatype 

Output of flatpak info

         Kennung: org.parlatype.Parlatype
             Ref: app/org.parlatype.Parlatype/x86_64/stable
     Architektur: x86_64
           Zweig: stable
         Version: 3.1
         License: GPL-3.0+
        Ursprung: flathub
        Sammlung: org.flathub.Stable
    Installation: system
     Installiert: 52,7 MB
Laufzeitumgebung: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/40
             Sdk: org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/40

          Commit: 4b07b5232a5eeb1ca48c18b7bb3cf8a6b47df2f54ef15333d3e0c4073e4a3e3d
          Parent: 9f4f31043446f7e402659984ca9324d0e05c2563933993ba1a6e6e6bc31caf84
         Subject: Own MPRIS name (b10fdfb0)
            Date: 2021-12-19 19:38:05 +0000

Your desktop environment


When starting parlatype, it crashed. Starting it from the command line results in the following output:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:../gio/gdbusconnection.c:4217:invoke_get_property_in_idle_cb: assertion failed: (error != NULL)
Bail out! GLib-GIO:ERROR:../gio/gdbusconnection.c:4217:invoke_get_property_in_idle_cb: assertion failed: (error != NULL)
gkarsay commented 2 years ago

Thanks for you report! Is this reproducible? I need a backtrace to know what's going on. Frankly, I haven't done that before with a Flatpak, my knowledge is mostly from here, scroll down to Flatpak: https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2021/09/18/creating-quality-backtraces-for-crash-reports

$ flatpak install org.parlatype.Parlatype.Debug//stable
$ flatpak install org.gnome.Sdk//40
$ flatpak install org.gnome.Sdk.Debug//40

I understand you can now let the app crash and do this:

$ flatpak-coredumpctl org.parlatype.Parlatype

As I haven't had a crash with a Flatpak yet, I'm not sure if that's really enough.

Another thing that might help, although probably not much, is to run Parlatype like this:

G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=parlatype flatpak run org.parlatype.Parlatype

Please post the output of this and if possible also the backtrace.

polirritmico commented 2 years ago

Same problem here building from source, so I don't think is flatpack related:

~ $ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=parlatype parlatype
(parlatype:218584): parlatype-DEBUG: 15:03:41.032: successfully acquired dbus name org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.parlatype
GLib-GIO:ERROR:../glib-2.72.3/gio/gdbusconnection.c:4284:invoke_get_property_in_idle_cb: assertion failed: (error != NULL)
Bail out! GLib-GIO:ERROR:../glib-2.72.3/gio/gdbusconnection.c:4284:invoke_get_property_in_idle_cb: assertion failed: (error != NULL)

Build info

(Sources from git clone repo)

parlatype $ meson build --prefix=/usr
The Meson build system
Version: 0.62.2
Source dir: /mnt/tmp/parlatype
Build dir: /mnt/tmp/parlatype/build
Build type: native build
Project name: parlatype
Project version: 3.1
C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 11.3.0 "cc (Gentoo 11.3.0 p4) 11.3.0")
C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.38
Host machine cpu family: x86_64
Host machine cpu: x86_64
Configuring config.h.in using configuration
Found pkg-config: /usr/bin/pkg-config (1.8.0)
Run-time dependency gtk4 found: YES 4.6.6
Run-time dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.72.3
Run-time dependency gstreamer-1.0 found: YES 1.20.2
Run-time dependency gstreamer-app-1.0 found: YES 1.20.2
Run-time dependency gstreamer-audio-1.0 found: YES 1.20.2
Library m found: YES
Run-time dependency iso-codes found: YES 4.10.0
Configuring config.h using configuration
Program msgfmt found: YES (/usr/bin/msgfmt)
Program msginit found: YES (/usr/bin/msginit)
Program msgmerge found: YES (/usr/bin/msgmerge)
Program xgettext found: YES (/usr/bin/xgettext)
Found pkg-config: /usr/bin/pkg-config (1.8.0)
Program glib-compile-resources found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-compile-resources)
Program glib-genmarshal found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-genmarshal)
Program data/generate_config_data found: YES (/mnt/tmp/parlatype/libparlatype/tests/data/generate_config_data)
Program desktop-file-validate found: YES (/usr/bin/desktop-file-validate)
Program appstream-util found: YES (/usr/bin/appstream-util)
Configuring org.parlatype.Parlatype.service using configuration
Program itstool found: YES (/usr/bin/itstool)
Program msgmerge found: YES (/usr/bin/msgmerge)
Program msgfmt found: YES (/usr/bin/msgfmt)
Program glib-compile-resources found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-compile-resources)
Build targets in project: 176

parlatype 3.1

prefix      : /usr

gtk_doc     : False
gir         : False
pocketsphinx: False
deepspeech  : False

User defined options
prefix      : /usr

System info:

Operating System: Gentoo Linux 2.8 KDE Plasma Version: 5.25.4 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.96.0 Qt Version: 5.15.5 Kernel Version: 5.15.59-gentoo (64-bit) Graphics Platform: X11

Packages dependencies:

~ $ emerge -p meson gettext gobject-introspection yelp-tools gtk glib iso-codes gstreamer gst-plugins-good

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] dev-util/meson-0.62.2
[ebuild   R    ] sys-devel/gettext-0.21-r3
[ebuild   R    ] app-text/yelp-tools-42.0
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/glib-2.72.3
[ebuild   R    ] app-text/iso-codes-4.10.0
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.72.0
[ebuild   R    ] media-libs/gstreamer-1.20.2
[ebuild   R    ] gui-libs/gtk-4.6.6
[ebuild   R    ] media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.20.2

I stay tuned in case more information is needed.

polirritmico commented 2 years ago

Version 3.0 run without problems.

polirritmico commented 2 years ago

I discover that this problem is related to KDE Connect. If I kill kdeconnectd then Parlatype runs fine. So maybe its something related to MPRIS. Any ideas? Also don't know if this is a problem with Parlatype or KDE Connect, but its clear that the two don't get along well.

KDE Connect version: kdeconnect-22.08.0

gkarsay commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your report and thanks @polirritmico for triaging this bug. I can reproduce it and will fix it.