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The Zoo & Wild Animals Mod
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[Feature Request] Larger customizable signs that we can put facts on would be nice! #208

Open squidprobe21 opened 3 years ago

squidprobe21 commented 3 years ago

I think it would be nice if we could have customizable signs that we can wright things on (like a vanilla sign but 1000x better). I'm thinking in a similar kind of size to the paintings and signs that are in the mod already but you can customize the writing on them like a vanilla sign (or even like a 1x1 sign that you can just connect together seamlessly).

so here's some features I think would be nice for these signs 1.you can customize the size of the sign like a painting, I'm thinking maybe 3-5 different sizes that you can choose from (similar sizes to the paintings in the image seen bellow) image maybe you can make a menu when placing it down to pick the size of the sign.

2.customizeable color for the background, I'm thinking maybe like a color secretor menu after the size selector menu or something like that (or even make it so when your right click the sign with dye it changes the color).

3.maybe some way of putting an image near the text (like an optional image of an animal that you can put in like a set part of the sign. (example image of where the image can go down below) image and yes ik its a little sloppy but I'm to lazy to make anything to crazy, but anyway where the blue is is where and image/picture could go

4.if the whole size thing is to hard to make maybe some sort of 1x1 sign that you can connect other signs to and once finished placing you can right click to customize and add any text you'd like (this would be simpler to do then number 1 I think and honestly may be better). if you need inspiration for this one I think the open computers mod has something similar (but a ton more complex) but honestly idk if I even got that name correct 5.some sort of copy past feature would be nice so you can copy the text and layout of one sign and paste it onto another for convince. maybe like a button to the side of the editing screen or a key bind.

I think with all that combined it would be really nice for zoo's so we can add our own facts or whatever about our animals, and it would be similar to irl zoo's with the info panels at some exhibits (as seen in the images bellow) image image

also yes ik there are vanilla signs but they are so ugly and take up a ton of room for very little text as seen in the example image bellow, that's why I feel like we need a feature like this so we no longer need a wall filled with a bunch of ugly vanilla signs to put facts in our zoos image and yes ik they all say example text but that's because im to lazy to right real facts for this example image, but I think it gets the point across ok

Also maybe some sort of podiums that we can put facts on for exhibits that are out in the open so we don't have to put a random wall just for the facts (like some irl zoo's have that are seen in some of the images further up)

Ide love to see these features in the mod someday! I think they would make a great addition to our zoo's! :)

Also ill be checking back here occasionally for at least the next 1-2 weeks or so if anyone has any questions about my idea! :)