gknepper / Smart-Plug---CE---HPPA11SW

My notes about hacking the Home Depot's Smart Plug Comercial Electric model HPPA11SW
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Tuya -> Tasmota/ESPHome -> HomeAssistant and beyond #1

Open deftdawg opened 3 years ago

deftdawg commented 3 years ago

Picked up a pack of these last week, I'm impressed they are 15A and CSA marked for $20 CAD...

Have you had a chance to open one yet? Most of these devices seem to be tuya / Esp based controlled, I'm curious if this is as well. Would be good to get some picks of the board chips, pins, and general layout to see if it's already been converted by someone else under a different brand name.

I did grab the APK and unzip it: com.homedepot.sp1_131_apkplz.net.apk

App is written in Javascript, there are a ton of different devices in /assets and build.zip seems to contain the whole app, though it's been run through webpack.

Pasted com.homedepot.sp1_131_apkplz.net.apk/assets/static/js/wifi-devices.2dbbbda4.chunk.js into https://lelinhtinh.github.io/de4js/ and there are references to port 6666 and 6667 on ... though the code is still impossible to read.

Anyway, I'd love to get these running on ESPHome or Tasmota so I can control them directly via HomeAssistant.

gknepper commented 3 years ago

Hi @deftdawg , Actually I opened one already. The images are in images folder. It runs on a RTL8710BX chipset, not on a ESP82XX. So the device it's not compatible with Tasmota which runs only on ESP8266 or ESP8285 chipsets. I sniffed the packages that this device receives and it's all MQTT packages. (with SSL). so it's a remote MQTT subscription that controls the relay.

The board has 4 pins marked as GND/+3V3/RX/TX where I want to try to get a firmware dump. ( some soldering job is needed and I don't have a soldering iron available ) but it's an alternative to understand the working of this device.

deftdawg commented 3 years ago

Ah yes, I started looking into this and it seems starting with Teckin sp22 plugs many manufactures have started switching to Realtek Arm chips.

There are some indications that these can be programmed like Ardunios

Here are some other links I found:

BTW, Is there a non-destructive way to get it out of the casing? It looks like there's a seam along the back, is it clipped only or glued as well?

gknepper commented 3 years ago

Probably, I manage to open with a minimal damage on the case. I don't have but this tool can probably solve the issue:


It's only 4 clips but the way they did make it hard. I'll include some images later on.

deftdawg commented 3 years ago

It's only 4 clips but the way they did make it hard. I'll include some images later on.

Yeah some pics of the inside of the shell (or what's left of it 🤣) would be great. Maybe can get it open with a putty knife or something...

deftdawg commented 3 years ago

Not sure if it's useful, but seems to be a Russian firmware building site for RTL8710n here... https://wifi-iot.com/p/rtl87xx/

Login is demo/demo

Most of the features (red) appear to require payment.


gknepper commented 3 years ago

I would say worth a try, but without a better understanding on the firmware dump/written process it's quite a leap. I still don't know if an ameba writer is needed or only a serial connection can get the job done.

deftdawg commented 3 years ago

I'm also unsure... There is a discussion here: https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/discussions/9262

Someone drops a link Ameba ARDUINO: Getting Started with RTL8710, but appears to be an official SDK board or something.

gknepper commented 3 years ago

@deftdawg I upload some photos of the case opened and my concerns about the way they create some sort of groove in the plastic.

funroompc commented 3 years ago

Best of luck guys. I’m following this :)

gmcmicken commented 3 years ago

I sniffed the packages that this device receives and it's all MQTT packages. (with SSL). so it's a remote MQTT subscription that controls the relay.

@gknepper How far did you get in capturing the mqtt packets, could you read the contents, is it a known certificate?

gknepper commented 3 years ago

@gmcmicken We are in the same page pretty much. It's a proprietary certificate for sure. I was trying to dump the RTL8710BX image and with some luck open and check the contents to find the cert. Some soldering is needed and I haven't done so far.

gmcmicken commented 3 years ago

@gknepper I found the keypair, it was in the apk in a keystore file (.bks) and I guessed the password. 👍


gknepper commented 3 years ago

@gmcmicken Sweet!

gmcmicken commented 3 years ago

I tried packet capturing tonight, but my wifi card doesn't support monitor mode. I then tried to capture on my android device while using the app to configure the smart plug but the app failed to start when the capture was running (an android vpn issue I guess?) I'll try again though.

gknepper commented 3 years ago

I tried using rpcapd inside my router but I wasn't able to open the packages. I think I'm doing something wrong on wireshark on TLS settings. For now my only findings was the MQTT gateway: azuremqtt.arnoo.com which leads us to the probable manufacturer of this Arnoo app. https://www.arnoo.com/

gmcmicken commented 3 years ago

It's possible the keypair I found is only for the intial setup during the stage where the switch is broadcasting an unsecured wifi and the app connects directly to it. It's also possible the keypair is for some other device supported by that app. I think we should be able to see the fingerprint (?) in the tls handshake though to be sure.

GSzabados commented 2 years ago

I know this is not the same device, but some hint where to look for some ideas...


bluesky-ca commented 2 years ago

FCC info for the company making the reference design: https://fccid.io/2AB2Q, and this specific plug https://fccid.io/2AB2QHPPA11SWB has anybody been able to find more info on local control ?

sree-86 commented 1 year ago

Any update on this?

eastpole commented 7 months ago

At long last I think some cool people got traction on this problem. https://github.com/libretiny-eu/libretiny

This project is enabling the creation of firmware that can be run on non-ESP32 IoT platforms including the relevant one here, the RTL8710BX. I really did not want to get tangled up with Ameba if I could help it -- this looks more likely to work for me.

bluesky-ca commented 7 months ago

I wonder if anybody has actually managed to flush a plug using that code - the project does look interesting.

For a while now I have been using the Sonoff S31 plugs with tasmota, but there is a big price difference between the HomeDepot and the Sonoff ( including the lite version without power monitoring ).
I did some hacking at the plug while back using ssl proxy but was not able to obtain local control - was using an older rooted phone, but have seen videos using the Android emulator making the process a bit simpler.

I believe HD still sells those plugs at a good price, so it would be great to have a low cost, easy to purchase option with local control ( checked the HD page and they still do sell them ).

ESurge commented 4 months ago

TLDR: I have this switch working with ESPHome. You will need to...

I had one switch remaining and until recently was just put aside. I was about to convert it, but I found out that the LibreTiny/ESPHome project exists which has made progress with RTL8710 chips.

LibreTiny mentions how to get a module setup in ESPHome, and then to use the ltchiptool for flashing. The ltchiptool helped me figure out that these SP1 boards have 2MB of flash. Using a generic rtl8710bx module configuration and no GPIO settings, I compiled a firmware. Sadly, my attempts to flash a UF2 firmware file caused ltchiptool to crash or not write to the chip.

I found another tool called rtltool.py. This tool plus the ability to manually download the OTA1/OTA2 files allowed me to flash the board. After this success, I manually figured out which pin assignment was associated to the components which I had previously reversed engineered from converting my other boards over to ESP8266.


To flash the RTL8710BX chip: Manually download the OTA1/OTA2 bin files from ESPHome before proceeding.


  name: name_of_device
  friendly_name: "Name of Device"

  board: bw12

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "keyhere"

  password: "ota_pass"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  - platform: gpio
      number: PA22
        input: true
        pullup: false
      inverted: true
    name: "Button"
      - then:
        - switch.toggle: relay
    disabled_by_default: true

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Relay"
    pin: PA00
    id: relay
      - then:
        - output.turn_on: green_led
      - then:
        - output.turn_off: green_led

    number: PA14
    inverted: false

  id: green_led
  platform: gpio
  pin: PA05

Some images: IMG_20240212_200829 IMG_20240212_194920

bluesky-ca commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the info. Would be interesting if one could flash the plug over the air without having to crack it open. Even without that being able to flash it with ESPHome is great progress - would love to see Tasmota but I don't believe they are doing devices outside of ESP chips. I guess it is the time to cut them open :-)

ESurge commented 4 months ago

Ideally that would be best (flashing without having to tear apart the case). Perhaps when more research into how the original firmware operates is done but until then, I'll take what I can get.

I found a way to connect 3.3V and GND without having to take the screws out. The empty capacitor spot by the square cutout has GND (white striped/shaded section), and 3.3V (blank section) pins.

Image attached. IMG_20240215_205812

ESurge commented 4 months ago

Grabbed a few more 3pk boxes from Home Depot since they were on clearance.

When flashing one of these new devices, the button (PA22) didn't work with the ESPHome YAML I posted above. To fix this, I had to enable the internal pullup resistor.

Regarding the button (PA22) pullup resistor, I've seen a mixed result; detailed below.

Mostly I've been flashing with the pullup set to false. This is because when I was first experimenting to get the correct pins and settings for the YAML, I noticed the button wouldn't work unless the pullup was set to false.

After flashing a few of these, I ran into the device first mentioned above where the pullup needed to be set to true and didn't work otherwise.

I also tested some devices by leaving the pullup set to true. This worked on some devices but not others. Strange.