gkngkc / UnityStandaloneFileBrowser

A native file browser for unity standalone platforms
MIT License
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ArgumentException: The Assembly Mono.WebBrowser is referenced by System.Windows.Forms #114

Open x06designs opened 2 years ago

x06designs commented 2 years ago

I am using IL2CPP and .NET Standard 2.0. I can't build my project because of the following error. The dll is indeed included and I don't know how I can allow it to be included like told in the error message. I also tried to switch to .NET 4.X, but this gave me the same result.

ArgumentException: The Assembly Mono.WebBrowser is referenced by System.Windows.Forms ('Assets/StandaloneFileBrowser/Plugins/System.Windows.Forms.dll'). But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found.
UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.AddReferencedAssembliesRecurse (System.String assemblyPath, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] alreadyFoundAssemblies, System.String[] allAssemblyPaths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cache, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at <33fb8f3984d146e083d756d969c06738>:0)
UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.AddReferencedAssembliesRecurse (System.String assemblyPath, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] alreadyFoundAssemblies, System.String[] allAssemblyPaths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cache, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at <33fb8f3984d146e083d756d969c06738>:0)
UnityEditor.AssemblyHelper.FindAssembliesReferencedBy (System.String[] paths, System.String[] foldersToSearch, UnityEditor.BuildTarget target) (at <33fb8f3984d146e083d756d969c06738>:0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)
g5fighter commented 2 years ago

Have you read?