gkngkc / UnityStandaloneFileBrowser

A native file browser for unity standalone platforms
MIT License
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ITMS-90303: Unable to Sign #65

Open hippogamesunity opened 4 years ago

hippogamesunity commented 4 years ago

Hello! Got this error when uploading my app to the App Store. Using the latest Mac OS, Unity and Xcode. Can you help me? Thanks! BTW I use these steps to sign and create a package: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/HOWTO-PortToAppleMacStore.html image

foxnoodles commented 4 years ago

have you tried signing your app manually via terminal?

Like so:

sudo codesign --sign - --force --deep /path/to/PixelStudio.app

hippogamesunity commented 4 years ago

Sure, it's described in Unity manual: codesign -f --deep -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: XXX" --entitlements PixelStudio.entitlements PixelStudio.app

hippogamesunity commented 4 years ago

I suggest your bundle structure doesn't meed new Apple requirements.

hippogamesunity commented 4 years ago


hippogamesunity commented 4 years ago

I've found a solution. I had to delete .meta files from bundle inside APP file before signing it. Also I've reported a bug to Unity: http://fogbugz.unity3d.com/default.asp?1187470_g7rao3lm98kd02tg

foxnoodles commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. Useful info