gkngkc / UnityStandaloneFileBrowser

A native file browser for unity standalone platforms
MIT License
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How to use the MacOS StandaloneFileBrowser file in subfolder for MacOS build? #83

Open sergiosolorzano opened 4 years ago

sergiosolorzano commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to build for MacOS IL2CPP but can't get it to work. Works fine on MacOS and standalone mono and editor.

I get this in failed il2cpp log file: System.Windows.Forms.dll assembly is referenced by user code, but is not supported on StandaloneOSX platform. Various failures might follow.

How do I use the StandaloneFileBrowser file in subfolder StandaloneFileBrowser.Bundle/Contents/MacOS ?

Dlls Ookii.Dialogs, StandaloneFileBrowser, System.Windows.Forms have the option to include Editor, Standalone or WSAPlayer but not MacOS?

Sorry, I find this quite confusing, please help

Thanks a bunch, Sergio

lextm commented 4 years ago

You came too late to the game. macOS now requires 64 bit apps, but Mono WinForms is 32 bit only, so this file browser no longer runs on Mac.

sergiosolorzano commented 4 years ago

Hey @lextm Yay my luck drawning in a bowl of water hahah!! Thanks a bunch for clarifying this for me, I was pulling hairs! What would you recommend as an alternative please?

lextm commented 4 years ago

You have to use some other cross platform UI framework https://blog.lextudio.com/the-story-about-net-cross-platform-ui-frameworks-dd4a9433d0ea

sergiosolorzano commented 4 years ago

Thanks a ton @lextm