gkoberger / BugzillaJS

A userscript that adds additional functionality to bugzilla
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Add support for treeherder #101

Closed sethfowler closed 9 years ago

sethfowler commented 9 years ago

Mozilla is migrating from tbpl to treeherder for try jobs. It'd be great to have treeherder jobs inlined the way try jobs are now.

edmorley commented 9 years ago

Bug for TBPL EOL: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1054977

Current TBPL support in BugzillaJS: https://github.com/gkoberger/BugzillaJS/blob/2164041ada0b4c2092b14f9714942f8825f73f50/includes/bugzilla-tbpl.js

mnoorenberghe commented 9 years ago

@edmorley Is there an embedable version of treeherder? &embed=true (from TBPL) doesn't work

edmorley commented 9 years ago

There isn't at the moment - I think with Treeherder it may make more sense to come up with a proper embedding solution (or perhaps even an independent library that uses Treeherder's API) since Treeherder UI may not be lightweight enough to do the same hack we did with TBPL.

edmorley commented 9 years ago

Perhaps file a bug so we can track this: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Tree+Management&component=Treeherder

Though there's quite a backlog at the moment, so it's likely that it may take some time before the treeherder devs are able to look at it ourselves. TBPL isn't likely to be EOLed this quarter fwiw.

rik commented 9 years ago

I opened bug 1115904 for this.

rik commented 9 years ago

People will post URLs like this in Bugzilla: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=%s&revision=%s And we should include an iframe like this https://treeherder.mozilla.org/resultset-status/{repository}/{revision}/

edmorley commented 9 years ago

Almost, there's an /embed/ in there, so it's: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/embed/resultset-status/{repository}/{revision}/

sethfowler commented 9 years ago

@Rik, it looks like bug 1115904 is resolved. So what's left to do here? Just update BugzillaJS itself?

sethfowler commented 9 years ago

(This has become much more urgent for me now that try pushes no longer even give you a TBPL URL.)

rik commented 9 years ago

We need a patch yes. As soon as we have one, I'll submit it to AMO on the following week-end.

MikeRatcliffe commented 9 years ago

@Rik You have a patch ;)

rik commented 9 years ago

I couldn't review it this week-end but I'll do it as soon as my workday is over tonight ;)

rik commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I couldn't review yesterday. Will schedule again for tomorrow evening.

rik commented 9 years ago

The new version is waiting for review. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bugzillajs/versions/ if you want it early.