gkoberger / BugzillaJS

A userscript that adds additional functionality to bugzilla
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Urgent: software uses soon-to-disappear BzAPI endpoint #104

Closed gerv closed 9 years ago

gerv commented 9 years ago

The copy of BugzillaJS I get when I download from addons.mozilla.org contains references to api-dev.bugzilla.mozilla.org. However, your current source code doesn't. Not sure what to make of that. But I feel you may need the warning anyway.

Here's the boilerplate message:


You are receiving this email because a service or services you are believed to own or control is/are making requests of "BzAPI", the Bugzilla API proxy server at https://api-dev.bugzilla.mozilla.org/.

This service is due to be decommissioned. Fortunately, Bugzilla has a new native REST API which works somewhat similarly that you could use instead: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:REST_API

Moving to that new API would require some porting work. If that seems like too much effort, fear not, because there is also a BzAPI compatibility layer built on top of the new API. Because it's compatible, using that should simply require a change of API endpoint.

Change: https://api-dev.bugzilla.mozilla.org/latest/ (or https://api-dev.bugzilla.mozilla.org/1.3/) to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/bzapi/

You should not expect the api-dev server to continue to work after Friday 14th November. So please test and migrate your production instance(s) over before then, either to the BzAPI compatibility endpoint or to the new native REST API.

Thanks for using BzAPI. It's been a great ride :-)


mnoorenberghe commented 9 years ago

The references were deleted in 3f10feeacfec386b2abd6339273e6e3af884517b but that commit wasn't released yet. @Rik, I can package it for you if you don't have the environment setup anymore.

mnoorenberghe commented 9 years ago

FWIW, I've been running my own build built off of 2164041ada0b4c2092b14f9714942f8825f73f50 for a many months now and haven't noticed major issues with the feature I have enabled.

rik commented 9 years ago

I've just uploaded a new version so we should be ok here. Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for the offer too @mnoorenberghe ;)