gkoerk / QNAP-Docker-Swarm-Setup

A guide for configuring the docker swarm stack on QNAP devices with Container Station
MIT License
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Entware not working #20

Open raffisweb opened 4 years ago

raffisweb commented 4 years ago

I followed the description but after Entware-installation and even after a reboot the "opkg" command is not recognized.

opkg install vim -sh: opkg: command not found

OneCDOnly commented 4 years ago

Note: Entware can take some time to start. Give it a few minutes (maybe 10 minutes to be safe) before logging-in via SSH. ;)

OneCDOnly commented 4 years ago

Additionally, the Entware host site is down at the moment: https://github.com/Entware/Entware/issues/486

raffisweb commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your reply.. Entware is still not working. I tried a reboot, a new installation and gave it a night. What might be the problem?

fredericrous commented 4 years ago

does /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Entware-3x/bin/opkg exist? just run that instead of opkg or do an alias. I don't know why the symbolic link to that file was removed on my qnap