Closed bwalsh closed 7 months ago
current config: cat manifest.yaml
# Path to the cache directory, defaults to cache/ (relative to the root of the repository)
cache_directory: "cache/"
# Number of works to use for processing, defaults to 20
num_threads: 40
# Should we create new VCFs with annotations. FOR FUTURE USE
# annotate_vcfs: false
# where to store the state of the application, log files, etc.
state_directory: "state/"
# where to store temporary files, etc.
work_directory: "work/"
# max lines from a vcf file (optional)
#limit: 100000
# The local file paths or URLs to vcf files to be processed
- "/home/jupyter/vrs-python-testing/tests/fixtures/1kGP.chr1.1000.vcf"
- "gs://fc-2ee2ca2a-a140-48a1-b793-e27badb7945d/high_coverage_3202_samples/1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr1.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.vcf.gz"
# installation path
seqrepo_directory: "~/seqrepo/latest"
# normalize the VRS ids
normalize: false
# Control if cache is used
cache_enabled: false
# compute reference allele
compute_for_ref: false
Maintain run instuctions, add to documentation, and presentation
The feature/metakb is ready for review see manifest.metakb_directory
# Path to the cache directory, defaults to cache/ (relative to the root of the repository)
cache_directory: "cache/"
# Number of works to use for processing, defaults to 20
num_threads: 10
# Should we create new VCFs with annotations. FOR FUTURE USE
# annotate_vcfs: false
# where to store the state of the application, log files, etc.
state_directory: "state/"
# where to store temporary files, etc.
work_directory: "work/"
# max lines from a vcf file (optional)
limit: 100000
# The local file paths or URLs to vcf files to be processed
- "/home/jupyter/vrs-python-testing/tests/fixtures/1kGP.chr1.1000.vcf"
- "gs://fc-2ee2ca2a-a140-48a1-b793-e27badb7945d/high_coverage_3202_samples/1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr1.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.vcf.gz"
# installation path
seqrepo_directory: "~/seqrepo/latest"
# normalize the VRS ids
normalize: false
# Control if cache is used
cache_enabled: false
# compute reference allele
compute_for_ref: false
# required - where we can find CDM files
metakb_directory: "../tests/fixtures/metakb"
tests/fixtures/metakb$ gsutil cp $WORKSPACE_BUCKET/metakb/*.* .
Copying $WORKSPACE_BUCKET/metakb/civic_cdm_20240103.json...
Copying $WORKSPACE_BUCKET/metakb/
Copying $WORKSPACE_BUCKET/metakb/moa_cdm_20240103.json...
Copying $WORKSPACE_BUCKET/metakb/
- [4 files][ 19.7 MiB/ 19.7 MiB]
Operation completed over 4 objects/19.7 MiB.```
$ cat manifest.yaml
# Path to the cache directory, defaults to cache/ (relative to the root of the repository)
cache_directory: "cache/"
# Number of works to use for processing, defaults to 20
num_threads: 10
# Should we create new VCFs with annotations. FOR FUTURE USE
# annotate_vcfs: false
# where to store the state of the application, log files, etc.
state_directory: "state/"
# where to store temporary files, etc.
work_directory: "work/"
# max lines from a vcf file (optional)
#limit: 100000
# The local file paths or URLs to vcf files to be processed
- "/home/jupyter/vrs-python-testing/tests/fixtures/1kGP.chr1.1000.vcf"
- "gs://fc-2ee2ca2a-a140-48a1-b793-e27badb7945d/high_coverage_3202_samples/1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr1.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.vcf.gz"
# installation path
seqrepo_directory: "~/seqrepo/latest"
# normalize the VRS ids
normalize: false
# Control if cache is used
cache_enabled: false
# compute reference allele
compute_for_ref: false
# required - where we can find CDM files
metakb_directory: "../tests/fixtures/metakb"