gkz / LiveScript

LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming.
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test #1086

Closed determin1st closed 4 years ago

determin1st commented 4 years ago

probably faster :/

vendethiel commented 4 years ago


rhendric commented 4 years ago

probably faster :/

I don't see why it would be, unless you have data to show that it is.

determin1st commented 4 years ago

well, i've tested it: https://jsperf.com/object-spread-vs-polyfill/3

oookay, at least, it's not slower... 8) theoretically it should be faster as it doesnt create additional variable..

vendethiel commented 4 years ago

I think your code gets optimized away.

rhendric commented 4 years ago

This is way too speculative an optimization to be worth thinking about. I'm all for contributions that make LiveScript faster, but not PRs that could maybe theoretically make it faster but that in practice have no measurable effect.