gkz / LiveScript

LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming.
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Run LiveScript in ES6 Harmony mode - let and generators support #490

Open kristianmandrup opened 10 years ago

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago


I love LiveScript and recently started playing around with ES6. Been using the generators branch since yesterday, but I'm greatly missing being able to use let. Why not have LiveScript support a --harmony option similar to node, where the new generators syntax is available and where let is the default over var? If someone could just show me how to ghet started and point me in the right direction I would love to dig in and try to deliver this feature for livescript. What do you think?

igl commented 10 years ago

Generators are being worked on (in a branch) and the let keyword is unfortunately used for anonymous functions:

a = let
  1 + 1
vendethiel commented 10 years ago

anonymous functions:

Rather, IIFEs.

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

But why not have the --harmony option generate let variables by default:

x = 1 becomes let x = 1. Then you can override with explicit var declaration such as: var x =1 This way it would not conflict with the livescript let keyword for anonymous functions.

The livescript OOP syntax also easily support generation to the new ES6 class syntax. Almost the same, except the initializer is named: constructor.

Why not start a harmony branch, branching off the generators branch ;) Cheers!

qgustavor commented 10 years ago

Why not directives/pragmas? "use harmony" maybe, so will be possible to compile code which uses ES6 along with code that does not.

I just don't know if it's hard to implement, but it can be used in other ideas: maybe giving LiveScript compatibility with the ES6 of operator (which is swapped with the in operator).

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

From some investigation, I found that the following changes would be useful for some basic ES6 usage with let


Add "let" as valid DECL


case \export \const \var then tag = \DECL

Change to:

case \export \const \var \let then tag = \DECL

Remove "let" keyword, use "own"


case \let \own

Change to:

case \own

Default let

Matches an identifying literal: variables, keywords, accessors, etc.


try Function "var #id" catch then @carp "invalid identifier \"#id\""

Change to:

try Function "let #id" catch then @carp "invalid identifier \"#id\""


Add let as declaration in language?


[\var // ^ #ident //]


[\let // ^ #ident //]



: o \ID -> Chain L Var $1

In the comments it states Expression MATH Expression

I guess if the Var expression evaluates to let we are all set ;) Can't figure out where the Var expression is defined?

If we want to introduce a Let expression, where do we do this?

: o \ID -> Chain L Let $1

igl commented 10 years ago

Judgeing from this comment (https://github.com/gkz/LiveScript/issues/481#issuecomment-40262143). No generators for 1.3 :/

ES6 is still a long way to go and probably will only be fully implemented in LS2.(Don't take my word for that though)

And to be honest: All those things are not really important to me as a LiveScript-coder. More compile time checks (like const, := and maybe soon for types) would be way way way nicer than all those experimental, unoptimized es6 features which will have to be stubbed/transpiled anyway for the next 5 IE versions.

vendethiel commented 10 years ago

Judgeing from this comment (#481 (comment)). No generators for 1.3 :/

This comment seems to exactly indicate that generators are planned for 1.3, though ?

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Why not directives/pragmas? "use harmony" "

Yes, I think that would be the most elegant solution. Any idea how to achieve this? As I see it, changes I needed in multiple files. You would need to have 2 versions of LiveScript, one LiveScript-ES5 and a LiveScript-ES6. The the main file parser should select the LiveScript-ES6 when it detects a "use harmony" directive at the top of the file, right?

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Who cares about IE? and I think many developers use LiveScript with node on the server side (I know I do) = no IE :)

apaleslimghost commented 10 years ago

I'm -1 on pragmas. "use strict" is only a pragma because you don't compile Javascript.

I'm definitely of the opinion that Livescript should be able to run wherever Javascript can, and any feature that generates ES3-incompatible syntax should be behind a compiler flag (or at least have a compiler flag to turn off).

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago


require! {  
  '..': LiveScript  
  '../es6': LiveScript-es6
  'prelude-ls': {each, break-list}:
  prelude  './options': {parse: parse-options, generate-help}
version = LiveScript.VERSION
es6-version = LiveScript-es6.VERSION


!function compile-script filename, input, base  
  options = {filename, o.bare, o.const}  
  t       = {input, options}  
  try    LiveScript.emit 'lex' t

Should detect if there is a "use harmony" directive, then set the local livescript := LiveScript-es6 and proceed... sweet :)

!function detect-livescript-es filename
  # read first 5 lines and see if directive "use harmony" can be found there
  harmony-directive = fshoot 'readFile' source, !-> detect-directive source, ... ??
  if harmony-directive? then LiveScript-es6 else LiveScript

!function compile-script filename, input, base
  var livescript = detect-livescript-es filename
  options = {filename, o.bare, o.const}  
  t       = {input, options}  
  try    livescript.emit 'lex' t

Something like this could work I guess? (draft proposal)

igl commented 10 years ago

Ah yes nami.. I confused they are actually talking about the sourcemap branch there, not the generator branch. So yes there probably will be generators for 1.3 :)

vendethiel commented 10 years ago

So yes there probably will be generators for 1.3 :)

That's not a "maybe" :-).

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

@quarterto I agree, directive is not the best way, compiler flag feels better/safer, but directive could be left as an option. Since you might want to run in es6 mode on a source tree (say via grunt or WebStorm file watcher?), but you might have special cases within which you want it to treat specifically (code ported from some other place f.ex). Not a perfect world we live in so we gotta stay flexible IMO.

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago


Add support for ES6 modules

| o[frn] | off | return | break | and | let | var | loop | yes | export | import | default

more to follow...

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

I have now spent quite a few days working on this: https://github.com/kristianmandrup/LiveScript/tree/ES6

So far I have managed to set up the basic infrastructure. Now my only problem is how to tweak the lexer/parser to produce ES6 compatible javascript.

For starters I want to add lock scoping with let. Does anyone have any idea where to make such a tweak? For me it's like looking for a needle in a haystack!

The current problem is that for var, it somehow detects if whether it has already been defined. If not it adds the variable to the list of variables for that scope, to be added in the var list for that scope. Let should not do this as I understand it.

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Okay, I get it. I shouldn't look in the Lexer but in the Grammar.

    o 'Chain ASSIGN Expression'
    , -> Assign $1.unwrap!, $3           , $2
    o 'Chain ASSIGN INDENT ArgList OptComma DEDENT'
    , -> Assign $1.unwrap!, Arr.maybe($4), $2

But where do I find documentation on how to use this Grammar language and what these statements mean?

Assign $1.unwrap! Huh? Should I checkout the Jison repo? Couldn't find anything in the Jison Docs. And what about this statement?

# Our handy DSL for Jison grammar generation, thanks to
# [Tim Caswell](http://github.com/creationix)

Browsed through @creationix repos, but couldn't find anything that sounded like it related to jison or bison!? And no dependencies in package.json to a DSL that I can see.

In jscore.jison

    : ConditionalExpr
    | LeftHandSideExpr AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpr

So I assume Assign somehow references this Expr? And what about $1.unwrap?? Please help me understand... thanks!

vendethiel commented 10 years ago

Jison is here. $N just refers to the (N+1)th param in the first argument, so for both of those $1 is Chain and $2 is ASSIGN.

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Yes, I understand that part. This is written as a comment at the top. But what about Assign $1.unwrap! and such? I cloned the whole jison repo to have a reference when I get "deep down". Thanks a lot @Nami-Doc

vendethiel commented 10 years ago

For the first part, it's one of our AST Node. For $1.unwrap, well, since $1 is an instance of Assign, the code is here

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Awesome! I'm sure that will help me enormously! As long as I know how to track the code I can go deeper down the rabbit hole. Thanks again :)

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago
# __Chain__ can be unwrapped as its inner node, if there are no subnodes.
  unwrap: -> if @tails.length then this else @head

but no @tails method/property in the AST, only prototype.children = ['head', 'tails']; So I guess head and tails relates to the node in the AST (tree), tails being the children and head the parent node and this being the current node. Clever!

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

And I guess then that Assign $1.unwrap!, $3, $2 creates an instance of the Assign class.. and then? How does it result in the id added to the var list and how can I avoid it for let !? Too hardcore for me just yet...!

vendethiel commented 10 years ago

Scope itself is declared here -- at the bottom. You can find its methods declare, add etc.

Assign.tails is assigned here. You need to check the constructors to see the properties :)

vendethiel commented 10 years ago

Really, these" questions are better for IRC -- #livescript@irc.freenode.net :)

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Agreed! Thanks :) See you on IRC. I downloaded Colloquy, Connected to irc.freenode.net and searched for #livescript room to join, but no such room found.

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

My current ideas... not quite as easy/simple as I had imagined!

case \export \const \var \let then tag = \DECL


exports.Decl = (type, nodes, lno) ->
  throw SyntaxError "empty #type on line #lno" unless nodes.0
  DECLS[type] nodes
  export: ...
  import: ...
  const: ...
  var: Vars 
  # TODO
  let: LetVars
#### Var
# Variables.
class exports.Var extends Atom
  (@value) ~>
  ::isAssignable = ::isCallable = YES
  assigns: -> it is @value
  maybeKey: -> Key(@value) <<< {@line}
  varName: ::show
  compile: (o) -> if @temp then o.scope.free @value else @value

## or could we add a @type to Var instead?
#### LetVar
# LetVariables.
class exports.LetVar extends Atom
  (@value) ~>
  ::isAssignable = ::isCallable = YES
  assigns: -> it is @value
  maybeKey: -> Key(@value) <<< {@line}
  varName: ::show
  compile: (o) -> if @temp then o.scope.free @value else @value

# Declares uninitialized variables.
class exports.Vars extends Node
  (@vars) ~>
  children: [\vars]
  makeReturn: THIS
  compile: (o, level) ->
    for {value}:v in @vars
      v.carp 'invalid variable declaration' unless v instanceof Var # also Let unless exception?
      v.carp "redeclaration of \"#value\"" if o.scope.check value
      o.scope.declare value, v

# Declares uninitialized let variables.
class exports.LetVars extends Node
  (@vars) ~>
  children: [\vars]
  makeReturn: THIS
  compile: (o, level) ->
    for {value}:v in @vars
      v.carp 'invalid let variable declaration' unless v instanceof Let
      v.carp "redeclaration of \"#value\"" if o.scope.check value
      o.scope.declare value, v
!function Scope @parent, @shared
  @variables = {}
  @let-variables = {} # is this a good idea?

  # Adds a new variable or overrides an existing one.
  add: (name, type, node) ->
    if node and t = @variables"#name."
      if @READ_ONLY[t] or @READ_ONLY[type]
        node.carp "redeclaration of #that \"#name\""
      else if t is type is \arg
        node.carp "duplicate parameter \"#name\""
      else if t is \upvar
        node.carp "accidental shadow of \"#name\""
    # Dot-suffix to bypass `Object::` members
    # should we store let vars in separate list?
    switch type
    | \let  => @let-variables"#name." = type
    | otherwise => @variables"#name." = type

# Declares a variable unless declared already.
# let is the new default!
  declare: (name, node) ->
    if @shared
      return if @check name, void, type # pass type also
      scope = that
      scope = this
    type = if constant then \const else @type-of node
    scope.add name, type, node

  # TODO: we need a LetVar class!
  type-of: (node) ->
     return \var if v instanceof Var 
     return \let if v instanceof LetVar 
     node.carp "Unknown variable type #v"    

  # Ensures that an assignment is made at the top of this scope.
  assign: (name, value) -> @add name, {value}

  # Checks to see if a variable has already been declared.
  # Walks up the scope if `above` flag is specified.
  check: (name, above, type) ->
    vtype = if type is \let @let-variables"#name." else @variables"#name."
    return vtype if vtype or not above
    @parent?check name, above unless type is \let
vendethiel commented 10 years ago

Ah, it's seems it's "chat.freenode.net".

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Yes, Im on there now. What is your nick there? Im @kmandrup

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Still no-one else is interested enough in ES6 support to help implement it?

How about backtick support to escape code from being compiled as livescript, similar to this solution?


MyComponent = Ember.Component.extend
  classNames: ['pretty-color']
  attributeBindings: ['style']
  style: (->
    "color: #{@get('name')};"

`export default MyComponent`
vendethiel commented 10 years ago

This works, you just need more backticks :p. WRT ES6 at hand, I'm starting to consider it – at least in a branch – but I'm not the one making decisions.

kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

more? please show above example in livescript :) double backticks on each side?

Ah yes, that is exactly what is says on the API doc page for livescript :) double up!

"Change any JavaScript code literals, eg. `js code here` to ``js code here``"
kristianmandrup commented 10 years ago

Why not support the export/import ES6 module syntax in the version 1.3? Ember.js now uses this mechanism by default and Angular 2.0 will use it too... I'm sure most JS frameworks are heading in this direction

duralog commented 10 years ago

I'm not gonna say anything dangerous here, however, if you put in your package.json: "LiveScript": "duralog/AliveScript" what you have requested will indeed work properly. (it's my personal derivative and not a full branch... for my personal use ... you're welcome to fork, whatever it)...


vendethiel commented 10 years ago

So now, people are forking forks of forks ? I feel like we failed at some point ;-).

gkz commented 9 years ago

We have generators and yield now. The two things that we want now are let statements and JS for .. of loops, for working with iterators. Those are tricky though because they conflict with existing syntax.

kristianmandrup commented 9 years ago

What about ES6 module syntax support!? That seems to be the most used (early adapted) feature of web frameworks such as Ember... I guess back ticks will do for now, but not ideal

gkz commented 9 years ago

Yes, the module syntax is also an important part. It seems easier than let and for ... of because fewer people use export and import currently.

Maybe there should be a backwards incompatible LiveScript 2.0 that isn't a complete rewrite, but still has major updates like these.

Delapouite commented 9 years ago
Maybe there should be a backwards incompatible LiveScript 2.0 that isn't a complete rewrite, but still has major updates like these.

Absolutely. That's a solid plan.

apaleslimghost commented 9 years ago

If we're removing the import operator we should add an import function to Prelude.

Delapouite commented 9 years ago

My understanding is that only import as an alias will be reclaimed. The corresponding operators <<< and <<<< will remain in place.

apaleslimghost commented 9 years ago

Actually, I'd much rather get rid of all the ASCII-barf operators...

vendethiel commented 9 years ago


kristianmandrup commented 9 years ago

Please, let's get this out as Livescript 2.0 before Xmas with support for generators, yield, and export/import modules :) Remove the current import alias for sure. Thanks :)

kristianmandrup commented 9 years ago

Move any conflicting keywords to prelude and let's have LiveScript 2.0 implement most of the ES6 specs. We could just use ES6 shims with $ functions like forOf$ etc.

Many of the shims can be loaded via npm, then simply include a given shim function the first time the expression is encountered and call that function. Next time simply call it again (same approach as used now). Why not? Most frameworks as already using ES6 via transpilers now, but I prefer the macro approach https://github.com/jlongster/es6-macros which LiveScript would pretty much provide as well. Cheers!

    "es6-shim": "x",
    "es5-ext": "x",
    "es6-map": "x",
    "es6-set": "x",
    "es6-symbol": "x",
    "es6-iterator": "x",
    "es6-template-strings": "x" 
AprilArcus commented 8 years ago

Hey folks; just wanted to note a great potential use case for this sort of thing: if LiveScript could compile its class syntax to ES6 classes, I could pipe the resulting output through Babel with @gaearon's babel-plugin-react-transform and thereby take advantage of hot-loading React components.

ozra commented 8 years ago

Strong +1 for pragma route over compile flag - if possible without exploding the compiler.

ozra commented 8 years ago

@vendethiel - regardng forks.. well, LS is a fork of Coco, is a fork of CS, isn't it? I'm happy that happened ;-) (Might be confused on the matter though)

vendethiel commented 8 years ago

Forks all the way ;-).

igl commented 8 years ago

Just merge elm into LS! :balloon: