Ratings are either on / off and only for logged in users. Might be a good feature request to modify this to allow None - All Users - Logged in Only as the configuration option
Stories already allow this (actually the global $_CONF['rating_enabled'] var) so I don't see an issue with allowing anonymous raters for files. I the interest of simplifying the configurations, how about this:
Move the rating_enabled var from Story Admin to Site to avoid implying that it's only for stories.
Leave Filemanagement config alone, but leverage the core rating_enabled setting. For instance:
If the plugin OR global config doesn't allow ratings, no ratingbar is shown. Otherwise,
If the global config allows anonymous, then everyone can rate.
If the global config only allows logged-in users to rate, then anonymous sees a static ratingbar.
Ratings are either on / off and only for logged in users. Might be a good feature request to modify this to allow None - All Users - Logged in Only as the configuration option