Open ninjapro2828 opened 7 months ago
find log file named stdout.txt on dark mod folder
[Harmattan]: DIII4A start
DOOM3 initial context OpenGL: Format: 0x8888 MSAA: 0 Variables: Native library directory: /data/app/~~xVp53XTP_CbEZXiZ-97TRA==/com.karin.idTech4Amm-hp2EgOb598Wdt5OwPN0DNw==/lib/arm64 Redirect output to file: 1 No handle signals: 0 Using mouse: 0 Continue when missing OpenGL context: 1
DOOM3 callback AudioTrack: initAudio: 0x76d66f5fc8 writeAudio: 0x76d66f60e0 shutdownAudio: 0x76d66f61e8 Input: grab_mouse: 0x76d66f7494 pull_input_event: 0x76d66f7548 System: attach_thread: 0x76d66f75fc tmpfile: 0x76d66f767c copy_to_clipboard: 0x76d66f77f4 get_clipboard_text: 0x76d66f7914 GUI: show_toast: 0x76d66f7a1c Other: setState: 0x76d66f62b4
DOOM3 command line arguments: 1 0: /storage/emulated/0/diii4a/game.arm
[Harmattan]: doom3 main thread start. [Q3E_JNI info]idTech4A++ game data directory: /storage/emulated/0/diii4a/darkmod
[Harmattan]: Enter doom3 main thread -> main WARNING:Cannot detect SVN version! Make sure 'svnversion' command works in console on the build machine.
I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'. I18N: Found no character remapping for english. I18N: 1334 strings read from strings/english.lang I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found. Couldn't exec editor.cfg - file does not exist. execing default.cfg Gamepad modifier button assigned to 6 execing Darkmod.cfg execing DarkmodKeybinds.cfg execing DarkmodPadbinds.cfg Gamepad modifier button assigned to 6 Couldn't exec mission.cfg - file does not exist. Couldn't exec autoexec.cfg - file does not exist. I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'. I18N: Found no character remapping for english. I18N: 1334 strings read from strings/english.lang I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found. ----- Initializing OpenAL ----- Setup OpenAL device and context OpenAL: found device 'OpenSL' [ACTIVE] OpenAL: device 'OpenSL' opened successfully OpenAL: HRTF is available OpenAL vendor: OpenAL Community OpenAL renderer: OpenAL Soft OpenAL version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.23.1 OpenAL: found EFX extension OpenAL: HRTF is enabled (reason: 1 = ALC_HRTF_ENABLED_SOFT) OpenAL: found 256 hardware voices r_mode(-1), r_customWidth(2400), r_customHeight(1080)----- Initializing OpenGL ----- Setup EGL display connection Initializing OpenGL display [Harmattan]: Request special EGL context: 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. samples 0 sample buffers 0. [Harmattan]: Get EGL context num -> 4. 1 EGL context: 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. samples 0 sample buffers 0. 2 EGL context: 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. samples 4 sample buffers 1. 3 EGL context: 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. samples 8 sample buffers 1. 4 EGL context: 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. samples 16 sample buffers 1. [Harmattan]: EGL context: 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. samples 0, sample buffers 0. ...initializing QGL EGL::open_gl: using eglGetProcAddress eglGetProcAddress: glGetString -> 0x79b61b4930 eglGetProcAddress: glCullFace -> 0x79b61ae390 eglGetProcAddress: glFrontFace -> 0x79b61ae630 eglGetProcAddress: glHint -> 0x79b61ae9b0 eglGetProcAddress: glLineWidth -> 0x79b61aeab0 eglGetProcAddress: glPointSize -> 0x79aa69e520 eglGetProcAddress: glPolygonMode -> 0x0 Using stub: glPolygonMode -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glScissor -> 0x79b61aebb0 eglGetProcAddress: glTexParameterf -> 0x79b61aecf0 eglGetProcAddress: glTexParameterfv -> 0x79b61aed10 eglGetProcAddress: glTexParameteri -> 0x79b61aed30 eglGetProcAddress: glTexParameteriv -> 0x79b61aed50 eglGetProcAddress: glTexImage1D -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexImage1D -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexImage2D -> 0x79b61aecd0 eglGetProcAddress: glDrawBuffer -> 0x0 Using stub: glDrawBuffer -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glClear -> 0x79b61ae210 eglGetProcAddress: glClearColor -> 0x79b61ae230 eglGetProcAddress: glClearStencil -> 0x79b61ae270 eglGetProcAddress: glClearDepth -> 0x0 Using stub: glClearDepth -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glStencilMask -> 0x79b61aec50 eglGetProcAddress: glColorMask -> 0x79b61ae290 eglGetProcAddress: glDepthMask -> 0x79b61ae490 eglGetProcAddress: glDisable -> 0x79b61ae4f0 eglGetProcAddress: glEnable -> 0x79b61ae570 eglGetProcAddress: glFinish -> 0x79b61ae5b0 eglGetProcAddress: glFlush -> 0x79b61ae5d0 eglGetProcAddress: glBlendFunc -> 0x79b61ae170 eglGetProcAddress: glLogicOp -> 0x79aa69ee40 eglGetProcAddress: glStencilFunc -> 0x79b61aec10 eglGetProcAddress: glStencilOp -> 0x79b61aec90 eglGetProcAddress: glDepthFunc -> 0x79b61ae470 eglGetProcAddress: glPixelStoref -> 0x0 Using stub: glPixelStoref -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glPixelStorei -> 0x79b61aeaf0 eglGetProcAddress: glReadBuffer -> 0x79b61af170 eglGetProcAddress: glReadPixels -> 0x79b61aeb30 eglGetProcAddress: glGetBooleanv -> 0x79b61b49a0 eglGetProcAddress: glGetDoublev -> 0x0 Using stub: glGetDoublev -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glGetError -> 0x79b61ae790 eglGetProcAddress: glGetFloatv -> 0x79b61b49e0 eglGetProcAddress: glGetIntegerv -> 0x79b61b4a20 eglGetProcAddress: glGetString -> 0x79b61b4930 eglGetProcAddress: glGetTexImage -> 0x0 Using stub: glGetTexImage -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glGetTexParameterfv -> 0x79b61ae8b0 eglGetProcAddress: glGetTexParameteriv -> 0x79b61ae8d0 eglGetProcAddress: glGetTexLevelParameterfv -> 0x79b61b05f0 eglGetProcAddress: glGetTexLevelParameteriv -> 0x79b61b05d0 eglGetProcAddress: glIsEnabled -> 0x79b61ae9f0 eglGetProcAddress: glDepthRange -> 0x0 Using stub: glDepthRange -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glViewport -> 0x79b61af150 eglGetProcAddress: glNewList -> 0x0 Using stub: glNewList -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glEndList -> 0x0 Using stub: glEndList -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glCallList -> 0x0 Using stub: glCallList -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glCallLists -> 0x0 Using stub: glCallLists -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glDeleteLists -> 0x0 Using stub: glDeleteLists -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glGenLists -> 0x0 Using stub: glGenLists -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glListBase -> 0x0 Using stub: glListBase -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glBegin -> 0x0 Using stub: glBegin -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glBitmap -> 0x0 Using stub: glBitmap -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3b -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3b -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3bv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3bv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3d -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3f -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3f -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3i -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3s -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3ub -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3ub -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3ubv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3ubv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3ui -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3ui -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3uiv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3uiv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3us -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3us -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor3usv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor3usv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4b -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4b -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4bv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4bv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4d -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4f -> 0x79aa69e200 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4i -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4s -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4ub -> 0x79aa69e7e0 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4ubv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4ubv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4ui -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4ui -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4uiv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4uiv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4us -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4us -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glColor4usv -> 0x0 Using stub: glColor4usv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glEdgeFlag -> 0x0 Using stub: glEdgeFlag -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glEdgeFlagv -> 0x0 Using stub: glEdgeFlagv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glEnd -> 0x0 Using stub: glEnd -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexd -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexd -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexdv -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexdv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexf -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexf -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexfv -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexfv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexi -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexi -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexiv -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexiv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexs -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexs -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glIndexsv -> 0x0 Using stub: glIndexsv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3b -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3b -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3bv -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3bv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3d -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3f -> 0x79aa69e4a0 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3i -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3s -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glNormal3sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glNormal3sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2d -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2f -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2f -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2i -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2s -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos2sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos2sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3d -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3f -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3f -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3i -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3s -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos3sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos3sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4d -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4f -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4f -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4i -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4s -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRasterPos4sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRasterPos4sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRectd -> 0x0 Using stub: glRectd -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRectdv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRectdv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRectf -> 0x0 Using stub: glRectf -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRectfv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRectfv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRecti -> 0x0 Using stub: glRecti -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRectiv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRectiv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRects -> 0x0 Using stub: glRects -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glRectsv -> 0x0 Using stub: glRectsv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1d -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1d -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1dv -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1dv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1f -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1f -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1fv -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1fv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1i -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1i -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1iv -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1iv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1s -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1s -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord1sv -> 0x0 Using stub: glTexCoord1sv -> 0x75d62acf70 eglGetProcAddress: glTexCoord2d -> 0x0 Usin
Sry,my phone couldn't copy all the text of the file.
Hello dark mod no go 😭and RTCW no go too please help me .Thanx
Rtcw works fine on my phone except dark mod
try remove darkmod/glprogs
folder, and restart darkmod
I did that but it still shows the black screen
package and upload darkmod/glprogs
folder, let me see
I want to see your shader files on darkmod/glprogs
Upload fail?
archive this files in zip and upload to this issue
huh? Oh okay
It's GLSL shader error.
But it's work on Adrono GPU. I don't test on Mali GPU.
You can try to remove all comment lines before #version 320 es
on every shader source files manually(make the line of #version 320 es
on the top of file). !!! NOTE: Don't remove idtech4amm.version
file, If remove the file, all shader source files will be override !!!
Does it works now?
No go i wait fór next update Thanx
I tried to remove all GPL copyright notice from shader files and it still shows nothing but black screen in TDM OS: ColorOS13 based on Android 13 SOC: Dimensity 8100 12G RAM no suspectible error messages in stdout except 0x0 resolution at the end of the file
stdout.txt suspectible line:[Harmattan]: ANativeWindow changed: 0x0 manually edited shader files that still does not work
Do you wait a time when black screen? It will show after 5 seconds on my device.
is your device andreon?
Do you wait a time when black screen? It will show after 5 seconds on my device.
no, I waited for 1 minute and it is still black screen with music
is your device andreon?
no, Mali G610 MC6
No go i don't no why my phone os redmi 12
mines just a pixel 13,but accidentally updated to 14 to the point of unable to play older PC ported emulator games.
Do you wait a time when black screen? It will show after 5 seconds on my device.
c42c175b0f2bf8be402918768b186a8b41c9388b This commit still does not fix TDM black screen on Mali G610 MC6 after I manually replaced glslprogs shader files. I waited for at least 1min
Edit Darkmod.cfg, and find image_usePrecompressedTextures, set value to 0
Edit Darkmod.cfg, and find image_usePrecompressedTextures, set value to 0
Edited that parameter and still black screen, after that I disabled some more features in the cfg, still black screen
Try replace your Darkmod.cfg with my config file [08:56:30 +0800]
Try replace your Darkmod.cfg with my config file [08:56:30 +0800]
still does not work stderr.txt has a lot of like eglGetProcAddress not found: glListBase eglGetProcAddress not found: glBegin eglGetProcAddress not found: glBitmap eglGetProcAddress not found: glColor3b not found xxx...
combine that with failed to create proc stuff I mentioned in my issue, maybe that is the root cause of Mali(or Mediatek) blackscreen
These are not error like eglGetProcAddress not found: xxx
, these functions not in OpenGLES3.2.
These are not error like
eglGetProcAddress not found: xxx
, these functions not in OpenGLES3.2.
I think the TDM error flow on Mediatek is like: 1.TDM starts and GLimp or something else tries to call MTK driver to initialize opengles environment 2.Mediatek driver did something but it failed to create something in /proc as kernel proc_create failed, could be a permission issue or MTK driver does not allow the driver to be created (for example because an unsupported parameter exists) 3.TDM tries to get the proc for rendering but it failed, therefore causing blackscreen
These are not error like
eglGetProcAddress not found: xxx
, these functions not in OpenGLES3.2.
Considering that glBegin or simliar does not exist in GLES3, it is likely that TDM tried to create (and expect) a desktop OpenGL instance instead of GLES one on MTK, and thus failed to do so maybe you can specify the right opengl version, or add another opengl to gles compatibility layer
It is impossible.
I create OpenGLES3.2 context when I port TDM. And all OpenGL Immediate mode
functions(e.g. glBegin, glVertex*) and Fixed pipeline
functions(e.g. glVertexPointer, glEnableClientState) will not called.
And it work well on Adreno device(OpenGLES3.2, not OpenGL desktop version).
It is impossible. I create OpenGLES3.2 context when I port TDM. And all OpenGL
Immediate mode
functions(e.g. glBegin, glVertex*) andFixed pipeline
functions(e.g. glVertexPointer, glEnableClientState) will not called. And it work well on Adreno device(OpenGLES3.2, not OpenGL desktop version).
so what can we do to further debug this on Mali GPU (no valuable information inside stdout stderr logcat dmesg except what already mentioned)
Hello Karin Dark mod go , RTCW go, problém IS Witch doom 3 mods: rivensin,fragging free,hardcops,hexen, write api dll. Thanks fór your time
Dňa po 22. 4. 2024, 9:36 keepChatAlive @.***> napísal(a):
It is impossible. I create OpenGLES3.2 context when I port TDM. And all OpenGL Immediate mode functions(e.g. glBegin, glVertex*) and Fixed pipeline functions(e.g. glVertexPointer, glEnableClientState) will not called. And it work well on Adreno device(OpenGLES3.2, not OpenGL desktop version).
so what can we do to further debug this on Mali GPU
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I am also getting a black main menu screen on a Pixel 6, running GrapheneOS. I am running the latest build (1.1.0harmattan50natasha).
The games main menu isn't showing in the dark mod on my phone