glKarin / com.n0n3m4.diii4a

idTech4A++, idTech engine game For Android, DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006)/DOOM3 BFG 1&2/The Dark Mod/RTCW/Quake 3/Quake 2/Quake 1
GNU General Public License v3.0
233 stars 15 forks source link

Quake 1, 2 and 3 support for idTech4A++ #90

Closed Alex3474247 closed 1 month ago

Alex3474247 commented 9 months ago

There was the source ports for Quake 1, 2 and 3 ports made by the same author, n0n3m4: qi4a, qii4a and qiii4a (and even rtcw4a). I think that if these source ports code is almost the same, made according to a template, is it planned to backport those Quakes to idTech4A++? To have a modern, non-proprietary, opensource ports of previous Quakes with an external wireless keyboard/mouse support.

ninjapro2828 commented 8 months ago

I don't think it wills support quake 2 or 3 on higher phones,only quake 1 will work.

Alex3474247 commented 7 months ago

It will be good if even quake 1 will be supported.

DI555 commented 5 months ago

i suppose, it’s called a Quake1/2/3 WRAPPER ..

Alex3474247 commented 5 months ago

Yeah, a wrapper and launcher for Q1/2/3, maybe. I advice you to select which way is less difficult: adapt the latest FTEQW ( using the FTEDroid source code or use the existing qi4a, qii4a, qiii4a sources and update the old launcher source and engine source versions: n0n3m4 used Darkplaces for Q1, yamagi Quake2 and ioquake3 engine.

DI555 commented 5 months ago

Alex3474247 , as i know, the "generation" of an engine is the main thing which can handle/support several types of its.. ..i mean modified idTech3 engine could handle idTech2, idTech and even Quake engines, like in a project that you mentioned..

but, idtech4 is a much next level one.., may be we should ask the respected Dev. to support idTech5 and idTech6 maps/games/mods in the engine!!! ..and that would be truelly great, because John Karmak didn’t opened idTech5/6 due to selling it’s company and coming out((.., but , yes, he promised us to do that !! and yes, idTech5/6 is based aik on idTech4!

Alex3474247 commented 2 months ago

This issue is 75% complete, I still want Quake 1 with Nehahra mod support of course. And optionally, the gzdoom engine, but it is not idTech engine already.

Alex3474247 commented 2 months ago

I have noticed that Nehahra support in Darkplaces is incomplete, some features are missing: r_waterripple (see the Nehahra settings), r_oldsky, playmod and stopmod commands - they are used to play and stop the dynamic music of Nehahra in the "mods" subdir of Nehahra, some .xm and .s3m files are located here, it is music. And to check how the gl_fogred, gl_foggreen and gl_fogblue cvars are working. And Nehahra should be enabled not by -game nehahra commandline param, but just -nehahra. Nehahra settings: Nehahra settings Water ripple: water ripple fog: some fog gl_foggreen around the Quad Damage item: gl_foggreen working - gl_foggreen, it should look like in this picture. I have the copy of Nehahra engine source, NehQuake, maybe it is possible to add these new commands to Darkplaces, search them in NehQuake code. Test video with dynamic music: Nehahra is basically a WinQuake 1.09 engine, you can see it in the console, with some changes. If you finish Nehahra support in Darkplaces, it will be great! Additional pictures from Darkplaces to Nehahra. You can see those "unknown command" messages, those are the unsupported features from Nehahra: Screenshot_20240501_114128_com karin idTech4Amm Screenshot_20240501_114211_com karin idTech4Amm I use the libxmp library to decode the .xm and .s3m files to wave data and play this wave data with SDL 2.0. Maybe there is another way to play those music files through oboe and libxmp, but I don't know, selected this way. No need to convert those .xm and .s3m files to mp3 and play mp3 manually through the console, it should be as in original Nehahra engine.

Alex3474247 commented 1 month ago

And this bug if you encountered it. The screen turns black(gray) for a second when you pick up any item.

and the same thing underwater: gray screen.:

Alex3474247 commented 1 month ago

And this bug if you encountered it. The screen turns black(gray) for a second when you pick up any item.

and the same thing underwater: gray screen.: SVID_20240501_225522_1.mp4

Resolved 8 May 2024 but mouse is not grabbing in game and Nehahra support is incomplete but it is incomplete because LordHavoc, the Darkplaces author for some reason did not finish it.

glKarin commented 1 month ago

About mod, please ask mod's author or Darkplaces's developer.

Alex3474247 commented 1 month ago

Karin, I have forwarded my correspondence with one of the Nehahra mod engine authors to your email. Check your email.

Alex3474247 commented 1 month ago

As of me, I don't have time to migrate NehQuake engine to Android or to implement the Nehahra support for idTech4A++.

Alex3474247 commented 1 month ago

What version of Darkplaces have you ported? And from where? ?

glKarin commented 1 month ago

Alex3474247 commented 1 month ago

I have opened an issue about Nehahra on the Darkplaces github page but I doubt it will be resolved.

I forgot about Hexen 2 and its addon Portals of Praevus - it uses Quake 1 engine and has HexenC instead of QuakeC and even the maps are very similar to Quake 1. But Darkplaces doesn't support Hexen 2, has never supported it before and I doubt it will support it in the future. FTEQW supports Hexen 2 and its addon.

Alex3474247 commented 2 weeks ago

Oh, good news! The FTEDroid works and even runs Hexen 2, but there is no on-screen controls and it is inconvenient to play. See the video: Maybe it's not so difficult to transfer this port to idTech4A++? But FTEDroid is not serviced by the developer and abandoned. And it is not Gradle based, as written in the FTEQW readme, Cygwin and old version of NDK r7 is needed to compile FTEDroid. And it runs Quake 1, Quake 2, Quake 3 and Hexen 2. Maybe if you decide to bring it to idTech4A++, for example if Quake 1 is selected, add a selector to launcher which engine to launch, Darkplaces or FTEQW.

ninjapro2828 commented 2 weeks ago


DI555 commented 2 weeks ago

For Hexen2 imo the better would be to port Hummer Of Thyrion project: and there’s even some patches, like for fog to be visible: