glacambre / firenvim

Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Neovim died without answering" in Chrome #1616

Closed craigmac closed 1 week ago

craigmac commented 1 month ago

I've search the issues here with this phrase, but couldn't find anything that solved this for me. I tried Firefox as well, and I get a slightly different error from the plugin, saying "Unexpect output, run nvim --headless..", which I tried and then reloaded the plugin, nothing seems to happen or be output on stdout.


What I tried to do

:call firenvim#install(0)
No config detected for chromium. Skipping.
No config detected for ungoogled-chromium. Skipping.
No config detected for opera. Skipping.
No config detected for brave. Skipping.
No config detected for vivaldi. Skipping.
No config detected for chrome-dev. Skipping.
Installed native manifest for firefox.
No config detected for chrome-canary. Skipping.
Installed native manifest for chrome.
No config detected for edge. Skipping.

I ran through Troubleshooting but couldn't get it to work. Here are my notes:

Error detected while processing function OnStdin[30]..WriteStdout:
line    6:
E714: List required0{"version": "0.2.9"}

That one doesn't seem right, compared to other answers I found on here.

{ "name": "firenvim", "description": "Turn your browser into a Neovim GUI.", "path": "/Users/craigmaceachern/.local/share/firenvim/firenvim", "type": "stdio", "allowed_origins": [ "chrome-extension://egpjdkipkomnmjhjmdamaniclmdlobbo/" ]}
mkdir -p /var/folders/gq/5xbmrbld1gxd4dcqlc0x3xwr0000gp/T//firenvim
chmod 700 /var/folders/gq/5xbmrbld1gxd4dcqlc0x3xwr0000gp/T//firenvim
cd /var/folders/gq/5xbmrbld1gxd4dcqlc0x3xwr0000gp/T//firenvim
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/craigmaceachern/.local/share/nvim/rocks/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/Users/craigmaceachern/.cargo/bin:/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql-client@5.7/bin:/Users/craigmaceachern/.composer/vendor/bin:/Users/craigmaceachern/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/"
if [ -n "$VIM" ] && [ ! -d "$VIM" ]; then
  unset VIM
if [ -n "$VIMRUNTIME" ] && [ ! -d "$VIMRUNTIME" ]; then

exec '/usr/local/bin/nvim' --headless --cmd 'let g:started_by_firenvim = v:true' -c 'call firenvim#run()'

Hmm, I'm using rocks.nvim which uses luarocks, so could that be affecting this? It's first in the $PATH.

_generated_background_page.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) Neovim died without answering.
Promise.then (async)
updateSettings @ background.ts:159
updateSettings @ background.ts:315
(anonymous) @ background.ts:326
onMessage @ browser-polyfill.js:1

_generated_background_page.html:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: Error when communicating with the native messaging host.

What happened

No work :( Error message says "Neovim died without answering" in Chrome.

glacambre commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for opening this issue and for going through the troubleshooting guide on your own, very appreciated :). First, could you try to upgrade your neovim plugin version to the most recent version (0.2.16)?

glacambre commented 1 month ago

@craigmac I fixed a problem on master a few minutes ago, could you upgrade your neovim plugin for firenvim and then run firenvim#install() again? I'm hoping it might fix your problem too :)