gladstonemrm / SportsAndLeisureManagement

Issues relating to open data from Sports and Leisure Management LTD (Everyone Active)
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Next pages for Slots data return 404 error #7

Closed mattjudge closed 2 years ago

mattjudge commented 2 years ago

The Live Slots feed returns an error if anything other than the first page of data is requested: correctly loads, and returns

  "items": [...]

but returns a 404 with

{"message":"'EveryoneActiveSLM-live-slots' feed not found"}

This is also the case when simply including the ? query character in the original url

mattjudge commented 2 years ago

This appears to be fixed now - I'll leave the issue open a bit in case it turns out to be an intermittent problem. Thanks though, if you've worked on it!