glandfried / TrueSkillThroughTime

TrueSkill Through Time: the Julia, Python and R packages.
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Reviewer remark #5

Open glandfried opened 1 year ago

glandfried commented 1 year ago

Regarding the package and the code, I really appreciated the multi-platform submission (Julia, Python, R). I found the package well maintained, however the help page of some functions is sometimes a bit too shortly detailed, and some of the examples could be even more explained. Moreover, I would really appreciate if the authors could add, maybe in some next package versions, some graphical tools to directly obtain plots and figures as those reported in Figures 6b and 7 in the paper (personally, I did not find the way how to reproduce them: as it is, fully reproduce images is hard). The package could benefit from some minor and future graphical and explanation tools.