glasnt / git-deploy

A git extension for seeing your Cloud Build deployment
Apache License 2.0
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Fails to recognize cloudbuild trigger attached to branch #1

Open walkernobrien opened 2 years ago

walkernobrien commented 2 years ago

I am trying to use this to watch build logs using git deploy, and I can tell that the extension is installed correctly because I get the expected behavior when running it outside of a git repo, and when I try to use it my commit gets pushed and build gets triggered but then I get this message...

No trigger found for this repo (are you in the right project?)

I followed the README and everything went as expected until I tried to use it.

I am using Github and I have verified that when I run git deploy it pushes my commit and a build is triggered in cloud build, so I'm confused why it is unable to find the associated trigger. I use cloud build a lot so I would love to be able to use this tool to minimize the time I spend clicking thru the console.

glasnt commented 2 years ago

Sorry to hear you're having issues! I know this script works with basic branch matching but may fail with regex etc

You can enable basic debuggIng with DEBUG=true and verbose with DEBUG=verbose to get more detailed output to work out your issue.

If you need more help, be wary of pasting the entire output here as it will show configurations you may not want to be public.