glass-bead-labs / sensor-group

Co-ordination for the BIDS sensor group
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Ask for consulting on the university network, sensor network, experimenting side of things #1

Closed davclark closed 9 years ago

davclark commented 9 years ago

Should be assigned to @postfalk - who is working on this

postfalk commented 9 years ago

From Aaron Culich:

Domenico Caramagno in CITRIS probably has the most direct experience with this in collaboration with faculty research in EECS who instrumented SDH (Sutardja Dai Hall) related to work in sensor networks and Software-Defined Buildings, such as SinBerBEST and LoCal.

Because CITRIS is part of EECS which runs its own wifi and wired networks the policies may be different than what campus more generally provides. For discussion with campus network folk, the best person to talk with on that front is Isaac Orr in the IST-Networks group.

At a minimum you should review:

MSSND (Minimum Security Standards for Networked Devices)

And for devices that do not conform to those minimum standards (which is likely given the types of experimental devices you probably want to run), you can ask for an exception to be granted:

Request for Exception: Berkeley Campus Minimum Security Standards

Hope that helps!

postfalk commented 9 years ago

@kevkoy We probably need to name/establish a security contact at the BIDS if we go down this route. Another option would be to ask the person (at the library) who is in charge of our network anyway to take this on which would be one additional IP for now.

davclark commented 9 years ago

I'm already a campus security contact for D-Lab. I can be this.

davclark commented 9 years ago

Also - we may want to rope the Siemens folks into this stage before we settle on protocols. That said, I'm guessing Bluetooth LE will be the fastest route, as I've started messing with this on the raspi, and one of our undergrads has also bluetooth experience.

postfalk commented 9 years ago

Yes, just saw Aaron, he also suggested something other than Wifi. Bluetooth is probably great. However, still attached to an Ethernet, Wifi subnet just since it does not need any other hardware. On the other hand, we could just do Arduinos with Bluetooth shields which might be cheaper.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Dav Clark wrote:

Also - we may want to rope the Siemens folks into this stage before we settle on protocols. That said, I'm guessing Bluetooth LE will be the fastest route, as I've started messing with this on the raspi, and one of our undergrads has also bluetooth experience.

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Falk Schuetzenmeister, PhD Web Application Developer Geospatial Innovation Facility

University of California Berkeley 111 Mulford Hall 94720 Berkeley, CA 1-510-642-4897