glassfy / glassfy-flutter

Open source SDK to quickly integrate subscriptions, stop worring about code maintenance, and getting advanced real-time data. Javascript / iOS glue framework
MIT License
21 stars 4 forks source link

Can't build IPA #14

Closed TheRedSpy15 closed 1 year ago

TheRedSpy15 commented 1 year ago

Using 1.5.1 of glassfy_flutter

Minimum deployment target for IOS is 12.0

1.5.0 seems to also have the issue

Android is not effected, works fine

When running flutter build ipa

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GlassfyGlue":
      In snapshot (Podfile.lock):
        GlassfyGlue (= 1.3.6)

      In Podfile:
        glassfy_flutter (from `.symlinks/plugins/glassfy_flutter/ios`) was
        resolved to 1.4.0, which depends on
          GlassfyGlue (= 1.4.0)

    Specs satisfying the `GlassfyGlue (= 1.3.6), GlassfyGlue (= 1.4.0)`
    dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

GlassfyGlue seems to be nonexistent every time I try to google it. What minimum version does it need?

TheRedSpy15 commented 1 year ago

Just ran flutter clean and no difference

Previously I was using 1.3.9 and that worked

EDIT: just reverted back to 1.3.9 and the issue is still present. Will post pod file too

TheRedSpy15 commented 1 year ago

pod file:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '11.0'

# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency.

project 'Runner', {
  'Debug' => :debug,
  'Profile' => :release,
  'Release' => :release,

def flutter_root
  generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig'), __FILE__)
  unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path)
    raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first"

  File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line|
    matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/)
    return matches[1].strip if matches
  raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get"

require File.expand_path(File.join('packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'podhelper'), flutter_root)


target 'Runner' do

  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|


  - babstrap_settings_screen (0.0.1):
    - Flutter
  - Flutter (1.0.0)
  - flutter_inappwebview (0.0.1):
    - Flutter
    - flutter_inappwebview/Core (= 0.0.1)
    - OrderedSet (~> 5.0)
  - flutter_inappwebview/Core (0.0.1):
    - Flutter
    - OrderedSet (~> 5.0)
  - flutter_secure_storage (6.0.0):
    - Flutter
  - FMDB (2.7.5):
    - FMDB/standard (= 2.7.5)
  - FMDB/standard (2.7.5)
  - Glassfy (1.3.8)
  - glassfy_flutter (1.3.9):
    - Flutter
    - GlassfyGlue (= 1.3.6)
  - GlassfyGlue (1.3.6):
    - Glassfy (= 1.3.8)
  - GoogleDataTransport (9.2.3):
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.7)
    - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
    - PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2)
  - GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning (4.0.0):
    - GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore
    - MLKitBarcodeScanning (~> 3.0.0)
  - GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore (4.0.0):
    - MLKitCommon (~> 9.0.0)
  - GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils (2.3.2):
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.3.2)
  - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (2.3.2)
  - GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger (2.3.2):
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.3.2)
  - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib (2.3.2)":
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.3.2)
  - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments (2.3.2)":
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils (= 2.3.2)
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.3.2)
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (= 2.3.2)"
  - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (2.3.2)"
  - GoogleUtilities/Environment (7.11.1):
    - PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2)
  - GoogleUtilities/Logger (7.11.1):
    - GoogleUtilities/Environment
  - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (7.11.1):
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  - GoogleUtilitiesComponents (1.1.0):
    - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (2.3.0)
  - image_picker_ios (0.0.1):
    - Flutter
  - MLImage (1.0.0-beta4)
  - MLKitBarcodeScanning (3.0.0):
    - MLKitCommon (~> 9.0)
    - MLKitVision (~> 5.0)
  - MLKitCommon (9.0.0):
    - GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.0)
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger (~> 2.1)
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib (~> 2.1)"
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments (~> 2.1)"
    - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.0)
    - GoogleUtilitiesComponents (~> 1.0)
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 3.0, >= 1.1)
  - MLKitVision (5.0.0):
    - GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger (~> 2.1)
    - "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib (~> 2.1)"
    - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 3.0, >= 1.1)
    - MLImage (= 1.0.0-beta4)
    - MLKitCommon (~> 9.0)
  - mobile_scanner (3.2.0):
    - Flutter
    - GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning (~> 4.0.0)
  - nanopb (2.30909.0):
    - nanopb/decode (= 2.30909.0)
    - nanopb/encode (= 2.30909.0)
  - nanopb/decode (2.30909.0)
  - nanopb/encode (2.30909.0)
  - OrderedSet (5.0.0)
  - path_provider_foundation (0.0.1):
    - Flutter
    - FlutterMacOS
  - PromisesObjC (2.2.0)
  - shared_preferences_foundation (0.0.1):
    - Flutter
    - FlutterMacOS
  - sqflite (0.0.3):
    - Flutter
    - FMDB (>= 2.7.5)

  - babstrap_settings_screen (from `.symlinks/plugins/babstrap_settings_screen/ios`)
  - Flutter (from `Flutter`)
  - flutter_inappwebview (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_inappwebview/ios`)
  - flutter_secure_storage (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_secure_storage/ios`)
  - glassfy_flutter (from `.symlinks/plugins/glassfy_flutter/ios`)
  - image_picker_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/image_picker_ios/ios`)
  - mobile_scanner (from `.symlinks/plugins/mobile_scanner/ios`)
  - path_provider_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin`)
  - shared_preferences_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin`)
  - sqflite (from `.symlinks/plugins/sqflite/ios`)

    - FMDB
    - Glassfy
    - GlassfyGlue
    - GoogleDataTransport
    - GoogleMLKit
    - GoogleToolboxForMac
    - GoogleUtilities
    - GoogleUtilitiesComponents
    - GTMSessionFetcher
    - MLImage
    - MLKitBarcodeScanning
    - MLKitCommon
    - MLKitVision
    - nanopb
    - OrderedSet
    - PromisesObjC

    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/babstrap_settings_screen/ios"
    :path: Flutter
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/flutter_inappwebview/ios"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/flutter_secure_storage/ios"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/glassfy_flutter/ios"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/image_picker_ios/ios"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/mobile_scanner/ios"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin"
    :path: ".symlinks/plugins/sqflite/ios"

  babstrap_settings_screen: 535097da0fa521a47fef6f6678ff2b464ee15937
  Flutter: f04841e97a9d0b0a8025694d0796dd46242b2854
  flutter_inappwebview: bfd58618f49dc62f2676de690fc6dcda1d6c3721
  flutter_secure_storage: 23fc622d89d073675f2eaa109381aefbcf5a49be
  FMDB: 2ce00b547f966261cd18927a3ddb07cb6f3db82a
  Glassfy: 6bea9bf717b8ff7b9889915cdbf77076cde7530c
  glassfy_flutter: 0863df7730885892a47a9917a30daa94dfd399ea
  GlassfyGlue: 441481ed9fda8db8b10a98bb40f630df1a043cf5
  GoogleDataTransport: f0308f5905a745f94fb91fea9c6cbaf3831cb1bd
  GoogleMLKit: 2bd0dc6253c4d4f227aad460f69215a504b2980e
  GoogleToolboxForMac: 8bef7c7c5cf7291c687cf5354f39f9db6399ad34
  GoogleUtilities: 9aa0ad5a7bc171f8bae016300bfcfa3fb8425749
  GoogleUtilitiesComponents: 679b2c881db3b615a2777504623df6122dd20afe
  GTMSessionFetcher: 3a63d75eecd6aa32c2fc79f578064e1214dfdec2
  image_picker_ios: 4a8aadfbb6dc30ad5141a2ce3832af9214a705b5
  MLImage: 7bb7c4264164ade9bf64f679b40fb29c8f33ee9b
  MLKitBarcodeScanning: 04e264482c5f3810cb89ebc134ef6b61e67db505
  MLKitCommon: c1b791c3e667091918d91bda4bba69a91011e390
  MLKitVision: 8baa5f46ee3352614169b85250574fde38c36f49
  mobile_scanner: 47056db0c04027ea5f41a716385542da28574662
  nanopb: b552cce312b6c8484180ef47159bc0f65a1f0431
  OrderedSet: aaeb196f7fef5a9edf55d89760da9176ad40b93c
  path_provider_foundation: eaf5b3e458fc0e5fbb9940fb09980e853fe058b8
  PromisesObjC: 09985d6d70fbe7878040aa746d78236e6946d2ef
  shared_preferences_foundation: e2dae3258e06f44cc55f49d42024fd8dd03c590c
  sqflite: 31f7eba61e3074736dff8807a9b41581e4f7f15a

PODFILE CHECKSUM: 7368163408c647b7eb699d0d788ba6718e18fb8d



name: nafp
description: A new Flutter project.
# The following line prevents the package from being accidentally published to
# using `flutter pub publish`. This is preferred for private packages.
publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to

# The following defines the version and build number for your application.
# A version number is three numbers separated by dots, like 1.2.43
# followed by an optional build number separated by a +.
# Both the version and the builder number may be overridden in flutter
# build by specifying --build-name and --build-number, respectively.
# In Android, build-name is used as versionName while build-number used as versionCode.
# Read more about Android versioning at
# In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number is used as CFBundleVersion.
# Read more about iOS versioning at
# In Windows, build-name is used as the major, minor, and patch parts
# of the product and file versions while build-number is used as the build suffix.
version: 1.1.2+18

  sdk: '>=2.19.6 <3.0.0'

# Dependencies specify other packages that your package needs in order to work.
# To automatically upgrade your package dependencies to the latest versions
# consider running `flutter pub upgrade --major-versions`. Alternatively,
# dependencies can be manually updated by changing the version numbers below to
# the latest version available on To see which dependencies have newer
# versions available, run `flutter pub outdated`.
    sdk: flutter
  http: ^0.13.4

  # The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
  # Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
  cupertino_icons: ^1.0.5
  pocketbase: ^0.10.2
  flutter_riverpod: ^2.3.6
  logging: ^1.2.0
  go_router: ^8.1.0
  mobile_scanner: ^3.2.0
  riverpod_annotation: ^2.1.1
  freezed_annotation: ^2.2.0
  json_annotation: ^4.8.0
  easy_search_bar: ^2.5.0
  hive: ^2.2.3
  hive_flutter: ^1.1.0
  flutter_secure_storage: ^8.0.0
  lottie: ^2.3.2
  google_fonts: ^4.0.3
  flutter_inappwebview: ^5.7.2+3
  image_picker: ^0.8.7+4
  http_parser: ^4.0.2
  shared_preferences: ^2.1.0
  openfoodfacts: ^2.6.0
  badges: ^3.1.1
  cached_network_image: ^3.2.3
  fl_chart: ^0.63.0
  intl: ^0.18.1
  glassfy_flutter: ^1.5.1
  babstrap_settings_screen: ^0.1.5+1
  firebase_core: ^2.14.0
  firebase_crashlytics: ^3.3.3
  gsform: ^0.2.7
  flutter_html: ^3.0.0-beta.2
  path: ^1.8.3
  path_provider: ^2.0.15
  custom_lint: ^0.4.0

    sdk: flutter

  # The "flutter_lints" package below contains a set of recommended lints to
  # encourage good coding practices. The lint set provided by the package is
  # activated in the `analysis_options.yaml` file located at the root of your
  # package. See that file for information about deactivating specific lint
  # rules and activating additional ones.
  flutter_lints: ^2.0.0
  build_runner: ^2.3.3
  riverpod_generator: ^2.2.3
  riverpod_lint: ^1.3.2
  freezed: ^2.3.2
  hive_generator: ^2.0.0
  json_serializable: ^6.6.1
  flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.13.1"

  android: "launcher_icon"
  adaptive_icon_background: "#ffffff"
  adaptive_icon_foreground: "assets/icon/icon.png"
  ios: true
  image_path: "assets/icon/icon.png"
  min_sdk_android: 21 # android min sdk min:16, default 21

# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page:

# The following section is specific to Flutter packages.
    - assets/lottie/nutrition.json

  # The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
  # included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
  # the material Icons class.
  uses-material-design: true

  # To add assets to your application, add an assets section, like this:
  # assets:
  #   - images/a_dot_burr.jpeg
  #   - images/a_dot_ham.jpeg

  # An image asset can refer to one or more resolution-specific "variants", see

  # For details regarding adding assets from package dependencies, see

  # To add custom fonts to your application, add a fonts section here,
  # in this "flutter" section. Each entry in this list should have a
  # "family" key with the font family name, and a "fonts" key with a
  # list giving the asset and other descriptors for the font. For
  # example:
    - family: Pacifico-Regular
        - asset: fonts/Pacifico-Regular.ttf
  #   - family: Trajan Pro
  #     fonts:
  #       - asset: fonts/TrajanPro.ttf
  #       - asset: fonts/TrajanPro_Bold.ttf
  #         weight: 700
  # For details regarding fonts from package dependencies,
  # see
TheRedSpy15 commented 1 year ago

pod install in iOS directory gives me:

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GlassfyGlue":
  In snapshot (Podfile.lock):
    GlassfyGlue (= 1.3.6)

  In Podfile:
    glassfy_flutter (from `.symlinks/plugins/glassfy_flutter/ios`) was resolved to 1.4.0, which depends on
      GlassfyGlue (= 1.4.0)

Specs satisfying the `GlassfyGlue (= 1.3.6), GlassfyGlue (= 1.4.0)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
marcopifferi commented 1 year ago

Did you try to run pod repo update ?

TheRedSpy15 commented 1 year ago

Did you try to run pod repo update ?

Yes and that didn't work either.

However, I did resolve the issue deleting the podfile.lock and pods folder. Then running flutter clean

corysmc commented 11 months ago

I solved this problem in a capacitor project (also using glassfy) by running pod update GlassfyGlue