glastonbridge / SuperCollider-Android

An Android port of SuperCollider
GNU General Public License v3.0
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hard-coded /sdcard/ fails on Samsung Galaxy #18

Open danstowell opened 13 years ago

danstowell commented 13 years ago

We use hard-coded /sdcard/ because Environment.getExternalStorageDir() seemed wrong on some systems. However, on Samsung Galaxy the location is /external_sd/ so it fails.

For crossplatform, we might need to check both /sdcard/ and Environment.getExternalStorageDir(), and if either of those two seems to work then stick with it.

misterinterrupt commented 9 years ago

just a note that on Samsung Galaxy Tab ® S 10.5, it is the amazingly named /extSdCard/ afaik, /sdcard/ is just a dir on the tablet's internal flash