glauth / glauth

A lightweight LDAP server for development, home use, or CI
MIT License
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fix: go test not checking otp within allowed basedn #403

Closed Fusion closed 4 months ago

Fusion commented 4 months ago

Thank you for making a pull request!

A few things to be aware of as you're working on your PR:


Incomplete PRs are more than welcome - it can be useful to collaborate before implementation of an idea is complete. However, if your PR is not ready for merge, please add [WIP] to the end of the title (work-in-progress).


Before committing, you are encouraged to run the small but growing test suite. This is accomplished by make test. Additionally, if you are adding new functionality, consider adding tests covering your feature.


Each push to a branch connected to a PR will be run through GLAuth's CI system. Please use these to your advantage. In particular, the Github Actions integration tests rely on the LDAP queries returning with a set result, so if your changes will change the output, CI will likely fail.

To update, run make fast && make updatetest && make test. This will delete the output snapshots provided and make new ones. You can then inspect the changes and commit them.

Similarly, check codeclimate and try to fix what you find there if it fails.

ghost commented 4 months ago
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sonarcloud[bot] commented 4 months ago

Quality Gate Failed Quality Gate failed

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B Maintainability Rating on New Code (required ≥ A)

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