glav / CognitiveServicesFluentApi

A fluent API to use with Microsoft Cortana suite of cognitive services
MIT License
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Add support for locally deployed containers #6

Open glav opened 4 years ago

glav commented 4 years ago

Container support for text analytics amd language understanding to run locally is now GA. The library currently assumes all endpoints are in Azure so need to add in ability to connect locally on an arbitrary port.


glav commented 3 years ago

Note: This will need to support version numbers as part of config as this was statically included prior via a constant. An example is SentimentAnalysis which with the current library uses V2.0 for Azure services but the latest container uses a V3 moniker. Will need to supply this via the fluent config process.

glav commented 2 years ago

Changes have been deployed to utilise the latest version and allow a version identifier to be specified. This does not complete the ticket tho.