Open andrewmurray opened 5 years ago
Not really no. Each cache engine has a different implementation and from memory, not each one supported it. There could be support added depending on the cache implenmentation tho and also added the a features supported. Alternatively for those that do not support it, we could use the parent-child relationship feature which tries to associate a parent key to multiple child keys and track it that way. A little inefficient in that scenario tho.
Well, I did somethig like that for another memoryprovider. I'll share my code, maybe it helps you:
Using system.runtime cache is the easiest:
using System.Runtime.Caching;
List<string> cacheKeys = new List<string> { "supply", "known", "keys", "here" };
MemoryCache currentCache = MemoryCache.Default;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> item in currentCache)
if (item.Key.StartsWith(String.Format(@"CachePrefix{0}", obj.Number)))
foreach (string cacheKey in cacheKeys)
And for Microsoft.Extensions caching:
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
List<string> cacheKeys = new List<string> { "supply", "known", "keys", "here" };
//The next line is different, this depends if this cacheAdapter can do something like this
MemoryCacheProvider provider = cache.CacheProvider as MemoryCacheProvider;
FieldInfo cacheInfo = provider.GetType().GetField("cache", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
MemoryCache currentCache = cacheInfo.GetValue(provider) as MemoryCache;
PropertyInfo collectionInfo = currentCache.GetType().GetProperty("EntriesCollection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (collectionInfo.GetValue(currentCache) is ICollection collection)
foreach (object item in collection)
PropertyInfo keyInfo = item.GetType().GetProperty("Key");
string key = keyInfo.GetValue(item).ToString();
if (key.StartsWith(String.Format(@"CachePrefix{0}", obj.Number)))
foreach (string cacheKey in cacheKeys)
Thanks for this and apologies for the slow reply. Would be happy for you to PR this :-)
Is there a way to retrieve all of the keys of the items stored in cache?