gleam-lang / otp

📫 Fault tolerant multicore programs with actors
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[Feature] DynamicSupervisor please #42

Open sclee15 opened 1 year ago

sclee15 commented 1 year ago


I think Gleam's typed OTP and its concept of subject is great.

But, It would be better to have some types of DynamicSupervisor that allow me to spawn workers as I need.

lpil commented 1 year ago

Sounds great!

arnarg commented 1 year ago

I'm also interested in this.

In terms of API design, do you see any value in having a separate supervisor and dynamic supervisor (afaict this is the case in Elixir) or should there just be a single supervisor type that happens to be dynamic, if you want it to be static you don't add more children to it. I'm personally leaning towards the option of just having a single type that is dynamic.

Also, should the supervisor still have an init function to setup initial children or do you just create a supervisor and start adding children to it dynamically?

Option 1

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(sup) = supervisor.start(fn(children) {
    |> add(worker(database.start))
    |> add(worker(monitoring.start))
    |> add(worker(web.start))

  // Something happens in between

  let assert Ok(runner) = supervisor.add_child(sup, worker(runner.start))

Option 2

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(sup) = supervisor.start()
  let assert Ok(db) = supervisor.add_child(sup, worker(database.start))
  let assert Ok(mon) = supervisor.add_child(sup, worker(monitoring.start))
  let assert Ok(web) = supervisor.add_child(sup, worker(web.start))

  // Something happens in between

  let assert Ok(runner) = supervisor.add_child(sup, worker(runner.start))

I see the value in not breaking the existing API but I also find option 2 to be a bit simpler API.

lpil commented 1 year ago

With option 2 how does it restart the children when one dies?

arnarg commented 1 year ago

I haven't really looked into the current implementation but I'm assuming it will need to keep some kind of list of children.

Does it currently call the init function every time a child dies?

lpil commented 1 year ago

Nope, the current supervisor implements the rest_for_one strategy. I think we likely need to supervisors that implement all the different strategies, and possibly some other patterns that may be useful given Gleam OTP's lack of process naming.

arnarg commented 1 year ago

Oh I see, to be honest I wasn't too familiar with all the different strategies.

I guess rest_for_one was the most logical to start with so you can control the arguments down the chain (so you don't have an old reference to a subject belonging to a process that already died)?

So some thoughts:

Or would it be preferred to have distinct static and dynamic supervisors?

lpil commented 1 year ago

I don't think we could safely restart any dynamically added children as the initial state that was used to create them is not controlled by the supervisor.

Take a web server that does some background processing as an example. It could have a web server process, a database, connection process, and dynamically, added worker processes.

If there was to be a failure, which caused them all to be restarted, the web application and the database, connection processes would be initialise correctly, but if any of the work processes were restarted using their original initial state, they would have references to the no longer existing database connection process, and such would always fail. This would eventually result in there being too much restart intensity and the entire supervisor would fail.

arnarg commented 1 year ago

I see. Given my limited experience using supervisors I might not be the best person to come up with designs for this 😅.

Would a more typical use case add the dynamic supervisor as a child of a static one so that the whole dynamic supervisor is restarted if any of its dependencies crash (web server, database, ...)?

If so, then two distinct types of supervisors might make more sense.