Closed hpysta closed 6 years ago
Hi István,
could you please collect and send me a debug information like described in page 3 Instructions.pdf ?
Thank you,
Hi Pavel,
finally I could reproduce the error - since it happened sporadically, it was not easy to do. But despite setting the "Download Type (IR)" to "Debug TXT" the exception message appears before I could have downloaded the log.txt file:
ORA-20001: ORA-01007: variable not in select list ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1673 ORA-06512: at "IR_TO_XLSX", line 1808 ORA-06512: at "IR_TO_XLSX", line 2043 ORA-06512: at "IR_TO_XLSX", line 2176 ORA-06512: at "IR_TO_MSEXCEL", line 335
ORA-06512: at "IR_TO_MSEXCEL", line 355 ORA-06512: at line 4 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1825 ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 1880 ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 1895 ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC", line 936 ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_PLUGIN", line 1330
Can you please check?
Thank you and best regards, István
Hi Pavel,
can you please give me feedback about this issue?
Thank you and best regards, István
Hi István,
very interesting, on my system 18.1 i can't reproduce this error, because the APEX behavior was changed and i never come into if-statement on IR_TO_XLSX", line 1808.
Could you please replace
-- substantive strings in sql-queries can have bind variables too
-- these variables are not in v_report.binds
-- and need to be binded separately
if not v_binded then
DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (v_cur,v_bind_var_name,v(v_bind_var_name));
log('Bind variable ('||i||')'||v_bind_var_name||'<'||v(v_bind_var_name)||'>');
end if;
to the
-- substantive strings in sql-queries can have bind variables too
-- these variables are not in v_report.binds
-- and need to be binded separately
if not v_binded then
DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (v_cur,v_bind_var_name,v(v_bind_var_name));
when others then
raise_application_error(-20001,'v_bind_var_name = '||v_bind_var_name);
end if;
on your system? That should get a little more information. Usually this "if" statement used in very special cases.
If you get a v_bind_var_name, could you please check you query - probably APEX incorrect recognize some text as bind variable?
Regards, Pavel
Hi Pavel,
the exception line 1808 in the IR_TO_XLSX which throws exception is:
dbms_sql.define_column(v_cur, i, v_char_dummy,32767);
I surrounded it with the code:
begin dbms_sql.define_column(v_cur, i, v_char_dummy,32767); exception when others then raise_application_error(-20001, 'col_type:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_type) ||',col_max_len:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_max_len) ||',col_name:'||l_report.desc_tab(i).col_name ||',col_name_len:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_name_len) ||',col_schema_name:'||l_report.desc_tab(i).col_schema_name ||',col_schema_name_len:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_schema_name_len) ||',col_precision:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_precision) ||',col_scale:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_scale) ||',col_charsetid:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_charsetid) ||',col_charsetform:'||to_char(l_report.desc_tab(i).col_charsetform) ||',col_null_ok:'||(CASE WHEN l_report.desc_tab(i).col_null_ok THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END) ); end; end if;
l_report.desc_tab is returned from dbms_sql.describe_columns2
And the column exists at the index where this ORA-01007 is thrown by dbms_sql.define_column
In my opinion this must be a bug in dbms_sql.define_column since the column exists.
I will investigate on the web if I find similar issues, and also will create a PLSQL example code to reproduce this exception.
Best regards, István
@hpysta István, one question: do you have in your IR_TO_XLSX on line 1808 dbms_sql.define_column(v_cur, i, v_char_dummy,32767); or DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (v_cur,v_bind_var_name,v(v_bind_var_name)); statement?
Hi Pavel,
I have dbms_sql.define_column(v_cur, i, v_char_dummy,32767); in line 1808 in the IR_TO_XLSX package body.
I have checked the version 3.13.3 I have downloaded from here, and the same is in the file IR_TO_XLSX.pkb
Best regards, István
Hi István, Which datatype has this column? Yo should get it using your raise_application_error statement.... On idea: could you try to replace v_char_dummy varchar2(1); into v_char_dummy varchar2(32767); ?
Regards, Pavel
Hi Pavel,
I came to the conclusion that this is a bug in DBMS_SQL, but since it happens only occasionally I don't create a service request in Oracle Support. The workaround which has solved the issue is that I have put this line inside the for loop before any dbms_sql.define_column happens: dbms_sql.describe_columns2(v_cur, dummy_colls_count, dummy_desc_tab); After having this line in the code the exception does not happen anymore.
Best regards, István
Hi István, thank you VERY much for such investigation. Could you please sent me a little more lines of code (or make pull request), because for me is still not really clear what did you change?
Regards, Pavel
Hi Pavel,
thanks for merging the code :) Please note that I did not incorporate the change into the file "install_all_packages.sql".
Best regards, István
Thank you too. I make all the required changes together with fixing a javascript - bug.
Fixed in 3.15
Hi Pavel,
since deploying the newest version 3.13.3 of this plug-in the error message in the title appears sporadically, but after changing to a new APEX session the error disappears and the plug-in works well again, so I guess it is related to the session in some way but I don't see currently the reason for this since there are no global variables in your packages on the plug-in side. Can you please check if you can reproduce the error and possibly fix it?
Thank you and best regards, István