Closed spensll closed 2 years ago
{ "id": 0, "name": "芬兰国旗", "description": "芬兰共和国的国旗。\n芬兰共和国(芬兰语:Suomen tasavalta,瑞典语:Republiken Finland),简称芬兰(芬兰语:Suomi,瑞典语:Finland),位于欧洲北部,北欧五国之一,与瑞典、挪威、俄罗斯接壤,南临芬兰湾,西濒波的尼亚湾。\n", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1076.5, 247.5 ], "path": [ [ 1072.5, 245.5 ], [ 1079.5, 245.5 ], [ 1079.5, 249.5 ], [ 1072.5, 249.5 ], [ 1072.5, 245.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "爱尔兰国旗", "description": "爱尔兰共和国的国旗。\n爱尔兰(爱尔兰语:Éirinn,英语:Ireland),是一个西欧的议会共和制国家,西临大西洋,东靠爱尔兰海,与英国隔海相望", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1076.5, 251.5 ], "path": [ [ 1072.5, 249.5 ], [ 1079.5, 249.5 ], [ 1079.5, 253.5 ], [ 1072.5, 253.5 ], [ 1072.5, 249.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "保加利亚国旗", "description": "保加利亚共和国的国旗。\n保加利亚共和国(保加利亚语:Република България,英语:The Republic of Bulgaria),简称保加利亚。是欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛东南部的一个国家,与罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、北马其顿、希腊和土耳其接壤,东部滨临黑海。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1076.5, 255.5 ], "path": [ [ 1072.5, 253.5 ], [ 1079.5, 253.5 ], [ 1079.5, 257.5 ], [ 1072.5, 257.5 ], [ 1072.5, 253.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "塞尔维亚国旗", "description": "塞尔维亚共和国的国旗。\n塞尔维亚共和国(塞尔维亚语:Република Србија或Republika Srbija),简称塞尔维亚,是位于欧洲东南部,巴尔干半岛中部的内陆国", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1076.5, 259.5 ], "path": [ [ 1072.5, 257.5 ], [ 1079.5, 257.5 ], [ 1079.5, 261.5 ], [ 1072.5, 261.5 ], [ 1072.5, 257.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "瑞典国旗", "description": "瑞典王国国旗。\n瑞典王国(瑞典语:Kungariket Sverige),简称瑞典(瑞典语:Sverige),是一个位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的国家,北欧五国之一。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1106.5, 246.5 ], "path": [ [ 1102.5, 244.5 ], [ 1109.5, 244.5 ], [ 1109.5, 248.5 ], [ 1102.5, 248.5 ], [ 1102.5, 244.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "意大利国旗", "description": "意大利共和国的国旗。\n意大利共和国(意大利语:Repubblica Italiana;英语:The Republic of Italy),简称意大利(意大利语:Italia;英语:Italy),是一个欧洲国家,主要由南欧的亚平宁半岛及两个位于地中海中的岛屿西西里岛与萨丁岛所组成。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1106.5, 250.5 ], "path": [ [ 1102.5, 248.5 ], [ 1109.5, 248.5 ], [ 1109.5, 252.5 ], [ 1102.5, 252.5 ], [ 1102.5, 248.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "法国国旗", "description": "法兰西共和国的国旗。\n法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:French Republic),简称“法国”(France),是一个本土位于西欧的半总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南太平洋的一些地区。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1106.5, 254.5 ], "path": [ [ 1102.5, 252.5 ], [ 1109.5, 252.5 ], [ 1109.5, 256.5 ], [ 1102.5, 256.5 ], [ 1102.5, 252.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "西班牙国旗", "description": "西班牙王国的国旗。\n西班牙王国(西班牙语:Reino de España;英语:The Kingdom of Spain),简称西班牙,位于欧洲西南部的伊比利亚半岛,地处欧洲与非洲的交界处,西邻葡萄牙,北濒比斯开湾,东北部与法国及安道尔接壤,南隔直布罗陀海峡与非洲的摩洛哥相望。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1106.5, 258.5 ], "path": [ [ 1102.5, 256.5 ], [ 1109.5, 256.5 ], [ 1109.5, 260.5 ], [ 1102.5, 260.5 ], [ 1102.5, 256.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "阿根廷国旗", "description": "阿根廷共和国的国旗。\n阿根廷共和国(西班牙语:República Argentina,英语:Republic of Argentina),简称“阿根廷”,是由23个省和联邦首都(布宜诺斯艾利斯)组成的总统制联邦共和制国家,位于南美洲东南部,东临大西洋,南与南极洲隔海相望,西邻智利,北与玻利维亚、巴拉圭交界,东北与乌拉圭、巴西接壤。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1106.5, 262.5 ], "path": [ [ 1102.5, 260.5 ], [ 1109.5, 260.5 ], [ 1109.5, 264.5 ], [ 1102.5, 264.5 ], [ 1102.5, 260.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "智利国旗", "description": "智利共和国的国旗。\n智利共和国(西班牙语:República de Chile,英语:Republic of Chile),简称“智利”,位于南美洲西南部,安第斯山脉西麓。东同阿根廷为邻,北与秘鲁、玻利维亚接壤,西临太平洋,南与南极洲隔海相望,是世界上地形最狭长的国家,国土面积756715平方公里。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1108.5, 266.5 ], "path": [ [ 1104.5, 264.5 ], [ 1111.5, 264.5 ], [ 1111.5, 268.5 ], [ 1104.5, 268.5 ], [ 1104.5, 264.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "罗马尼亚国旗", "description": "罗马尼亚共和国的国旗。\n罗马尼亚(罗马尼亚语:România;英语:Romania),位于东南欧巴尔干半岛东北部。北和东北分别与乌克兰和摩尔多瓦为邻,南接保加利亚,西南和西北分别与塞尔维亚和匈牙利接壤,东南临黑海。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1113.5, 246.5 ], "path": [ [ 1109.5, 244.5 ], [ 1116.5, 244.5 ], [ 1116.5, 248.5 ], [ 1109.5, 248.5 ], [ 1109.5, 244.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "奥地利国旗", "description": "奥地利共和国的国旗。\n奥地利共和国(德语:Republik Österreich,英语:The Republic of Austria),简称“奥地利”(Austria),是一个位于欧洲中部的议会制共和制国家,下属九个联邦州,作为一个内陆国,与多国接壤,东邻是匈牙利和斯洛伐克,南邻意大利和斯洛文尼亚,西邻列支敦士登和瑞士,北邻德国和捷克,国土面积83855km²。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1113.5, 250.5 ], "path": [ [ 1109.5, 248.5 ], [ 1116.5, 248.5 ], [ 1116.5, 252.5 ], [ 1109.5, 252.5 ], [ 1109.5, 248.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "匈牙利国旗", "description": "匈牙利共和国的国旗。\n匈牙利(匈牙利语:Magyarország),是一个位于欧洲中部的内陆发达国家,东邻罗马尼亚、乌克兰,南接斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、塞尔维亚,西靠奥地利,北连斯洛伐克,边界线全长2246公里。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1113.5, 254.5 ], "path": [ [ 1109.5, 252.5 ], [ 1116.5, 252.5 ], [ 1116.5, 256.5 ], [ 1109.5, 256.5 ], [ 1109.5, 252.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "比利时国旗", "description": "比利时王国的国旗。\n比利时王国(荷兰语:België,法语:Belgique,德语:Belgien),简称“比利时”,位于欧洲西部沿海,东与德国接壤,北与荷兰比邻,南与法国交界,东南与卢森堡毗连,西临北海与英国隔海相望。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1113.5, 258.5 ], "path": [ [ 1109.5, 256.5 ], [ 1116.5, 256.5 ], [ 1116.5, 260.5 ], [ 1109.5, 260.5 ], [ 1109.5, 256.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "荷兰国旗", "description": "荷兰王国的国旗。\n荷兰王国(荷兰语:Koninkrijk der Nederlanden;英语:The Kingdom of the Netherlands),简称“荷兰”。位于欧洲西偏北部,与德国、比利时接壤。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1113.5, 262.5 ], "path": [ [ 1109.5, 260.5 ], [ 1116.5, 260.5 ], [ 1116.5, 264.5 ], [ 1109.5, 264.5 ], [ 1109.5, 260.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "哥伦比亚国旗", "description": "哥伦比亚共和国的国旗。\n哥伦比亚共和国(西班牙语:República de Colombia),简称“哥伦比亚”,是位于南美洲北部的海陆兼备国,东邻委内瑞拉、巴西,南接厄瓜多尔、秘鲁,西濒太平洋,西北与巴拿马相连,北临加勒比海。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 1115.5, 266.5 ], "path": [ [ 1111.5, 264.5 ], [ 1118.5, 264.5 ], [ 1118.5, 268.5 ], [ 1111.5, 268.5 ], [ 1111.5, 264.5 ] ] }
{ "id": 0, "name": "少女前线", "description": "《少女前线》(日:ドールズフロントライン(Dolls' Frontline);英:Girls' Frontline;韩:소녀전선(少女前線) )是由散爆网络研发、暗冬网络发行的一款战术策略养成类游戏。", "website": "", "subreddit": "", "center": [ 838.5, 602.5 ], "path": [ [ 789.5, 574.5 ], [ 855.5, 574.5 ], [ 855.5, 573.5 ], [ 856.5, 573.5 ], [ 856.5, 572.5 ], [ 857.5, 572.5 ], [ 857.5, 569.5 ], [ 858.5, 569.5 ], [ 858.5, 567.5 ], [ 859.5, 567.5 ], [ 859.5, 565.5 ], [ 860.5, 565.5 ], [ 860.5, 564.5 ], [ 868.5, 564.5 ], [ 868.5, 565.5 ], [ 869.5, 565.5 ], [ 869.5, 566.5 ], [ 870.5, 566.5 ], [ 870.5, 567.5 ], [ 871.5, 567.5 ], [ 872.5, 567.5 ], [ 872.5, 575.5 ], [ 871.5, 575.5 ], [ 871.5, 576.5 ], [ 870.5, 576.5 ], [ 870.5, 577.5 ], [ 870.5, 576.5 ], [ 871.5, 576.5 ], [ 872.5, 576.5 ], [ 872.5, 575.5 ], [ 873.5, 575.5 ], [ 873.5, 574.5 ], [ 874.5, 574.5 ], [ 874.5, 571.5 ], [ 878.5, 571.5 ], [ 878.5, 573.5 ], [ 881.5, 573.5 ], [ 881.5, 575.5 ], [ 882.5, 575.5 ], [ 882.5, 574.5 ], [ 892.5, 574.5 ], [ 892.5, 575.5 ], [ 892.5, 574.5 ], [ 893.5, 574.5 ], [ 895.5, 574.5 ], [ 895.5, 575.5 ], [ 906.5, 575.5 ], [ 906.5, 579.5 ], [ 892.5, 579.5 ], [ 892.5, 578.5 ], [ 892.5, 579.5 ], [ 891.5, 579.5 ], [ 891.5, 580.5 ], [ 890.5, 580.5 ], [ 890.5, 581.5 ], [ 889.5, 581.5 ], [ 889.5, 582.5 ], [ 888.5, 582.5 ], [ 888.5, 583.5 ], [ 890.5, 583.5 ], [ 890.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 890.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 885.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 584.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 885.5, 583.5 ], [ 883.5, 585.5 ], [ 883.5, 583.5 ], [ 885.5, 583.5 ], [ 885.5, 582.5 ], [ 883.5, 582.5 ], [ 882.5, 583.5 ], [ 881.5, 584.5 ], [ 881.5, 585.5 ], [ 880.5, 585.5 ], [ 880.5, 586.5 ], [ 877.5, 586.5 ], [ 877.5, 585.5 ], [ 877.5, 586.5 ], [ 877.5, 585.5 ], [ 875.5, 585.5 ], [ 875.5, 584.5 ], [ 873.5, 584.5 ], [ 873.5, 583.5 ], [ 873.5, 585.5 ], [ 872.5, 585.5 ], [ 872.5, 585.5 ], [ 872.5, 585.5 ], [ 872.5, 588.5 ], [ 874.5, 588.5 ], [ 874.5, 589.5 ], [ 878.5, 589.5 ], [ 878.5, 590.5 ], [ 879.5, 590.5 ], [ 879.5, 592.5 ], [ 877.5, 592.5 ], [ 877.5, 591.5 ], [ 876.5, 591.5 ], [ 877.5, 591.5 ], [ 877.5, 591.5 ], [ 877.5, 592.5 ], [ 878.5, 592.5 ], [ 878.5, 593.5 ], [ 879.5, 593.5 ], [ 879.5, 594.5 ], [ 881.5, 594.5 ], [ 881.5, 595.5 ], [ 883.5, 595.5 ], [ 883.5, 596.5 ], [ 884.5, 596.5 ], [ 884.5, 598.5 ], [ 885.5, 599.5 ], [ 885.5, 600.5 ], [ 886.5, 601.5 ], [ 886.5, 602.5 ], [ 884.5, 602.5 ], [ 884.5, 601.5 ], [ 883.5, 601.5 ], [ 883.5, 600.5 ], [ 882.5, 600.5 ], [ 882.5, 599.5 ], [ 882.5, 602.5 ], [ 883.5, 602.5 ], [ 883.5, 603.5 ], [ 884.5, 603.5 ], [ 884.5, 605.5 ], [ 885.5, 605.5 ], [ 885.5, 607.5 ], [ 886.5, 607.5 ], [ 886.5, 608.5 ], [ 887.5, 608.5 ], [ 887.5, 610.5 ], [ 885.5, 610.5 ], [ 885.5, 609.5 ], [ 883.5, 609.5 ], [ 883.5, 608.5 ], [ 882.5, 608.5 ], [ 882.5, 607.5 ], [ 882.5, 611.5 ], [ 884.5, 611.5 ], [ 884.5, 613.5 ], [ 885.5, 613.5 ], [ 885.5, 616.5 ], [ 886.5, 616.5 ], [ 886.5, 618.5 ], [ 887.5, 618.5 ], [ 887.5, 622.5 ], [ 888.5, 622.5 ], [ 888.5, 623.5 ], [ 889.5, 623.5 ], [ 889.5, 625.5 ], [ 890.5, 625.5 ], [ 890.5, 627.5 ], [ 891.5, 627.5 ], [ 891.5, 629.5 ], [ 892.5, 629.5 ], [ 892.5, 631.5 ], [ 893.5, 631.5 ], [ 893.5, 633.5 ], [ 887.5, 633.5 ], [ 887.5, 631.5 ], [ 886.5, 631.5 ], [ 886.5, 630.5 ], [ 885.5, 630.5 ], [ 885.5, 629.5 ], [ 884.5, 629.5 ], [ 884.5, 628.5 ], [ 882.5, 628.5 ], [ 882.5, 626.5 ], [ 880.5, 626.5 ], [ 880.5, 625.5 ], [ 879.5, 625.5 ], [ 879.5, 624.5 ], [ 877.5, 624.5 ], [ 877.5, 623.5 ], [ 876.5, 623.5 ], [ 876.5, 625.5 ], [ 873.5, 625.5 ], [ 873.5, 617.5 ], [ 874.5, 617.5 ], [ 874.5, 611.5 ], [ 875.5, 611.5 ], [ 875.5, 609.5 ], [ 875.5, 611.5 ], [ 875.5, 611.5 ], [ 875.5, 611.5 ], [ 876.5, 611.5 ], [ 874.5, 611.5 ], [ 875.5, 611.5 ], [ 875.5, 609.5 ], [ 873.5, 609.5 ], [ 873.5, 610.5 ], [ 872.5, 610.5 ], [ 871.5, 611.5 ], [ 872.5, 611.5 ], [ 871.5, 611.5 ], [ 871.5, 612.5 ], [ 870.5, 612.5 ], [ 870.5, 613.5 ], [ 871.5, 613.5 ], [ 871.5, 614.5 ], [ 866.5, 622.5 ], [ 872.5, 614.5 ], [ 872.5, 625.5 ], [ 870.5, 625.5 ], [ 870.5, 623.5 ], [ 869.5, 623.5 ], [ 869.5, 621.5 ], [ 867.5, 621.5 ], [ 867.5, 620.5 ], [ 866.5, 620.5 ], [ 866.5, 633.5 ], [ 789.5, 633.5 ], [ 789.5, 574.5 ] ] }
national flag
少女前线 之前圈的那个少女前线的logo又重新看了一下,感觉整个的区域应该是把左边的角色图像也圈进去,于是重新画了一遍